воскресенье, 21 июля 2013 г.

Femininity - find within yourself

For thousands of years the woman was the guardian of the hearth, she raised the children, ran the household and has always been in the shadow of her husband. Secure, weak, caring, wise, considerate and loved - that was this person. And today she is stylish, purposeful, successful, implemented, but not always happy.
Femininity - what is it? Today it is easier to find a definition for sexuality, beauty, confidence, than for the most important in the life of a beautiful person. The modern woman is not so charming, does not know how to present herself and does not feel like living inside a goddess. Something was lost, something has changed, and the ladies have been increasingly resemble to men.

Woman is creating a man

Changing around not just the fair sex, but also representatives of the stronger sex. A growing number of dependent, weak and boring men who give leadership to the ladies, and become a pale shadow. Strong, confident and motivated men in today's realities became a rarity. All this imbalance that has been created for thousands of years.

Features of thinking, the body structure have been developed for specific functions. Men are created to protect, build, produce food, to conquer and to conquer territory and heart. The woman - homemakers, housewife, mother and beloved. But today there is a change of roles, which means that there is a significant imbalance in the relationship, more divorces, unhappy children, and broken hearts.

Historical note

Women are brought up to the twentieth century in particular traditions. Regardless of family income, the girl instill qualities and skills that could be useful in life. This developed the feminine energy that helped build a family , maintain and educate the man many children.

The last century has been hard for Russia. The civil war, revolution, the Great Patriotic War brought a lot in the lives of our ancestors. The number of men decreased, and the women went to restore the devastation. They did not have enough time to deal with the native women things, they built, planted, improved productivity as well even had time to feed their children. These strong-willed personages brought their daughters, who have not seen how to be beautiful, how to create coziness, how to care for others, how to love yourself and loved ones.

Modern girls do not always know how to behave like a woman, they have no idea what man need Their mothers have been brought up as courageous ladies who did not know how to be gentle, loving, passionate and inspiring and, therefore, by the same way they raised daughters, and they, in turn, raise a new generation.

What does it mean to be a woman

A woman has a special energy that is designed to fill all the space around. She must be beautiful, to be a perfect example to children, the pride of her husband and parents. Beauty should be not only external, but first of all, emotional. Also, women has the talent to do everything around her  beautiful: Decorating the house and fill it with delicious smells and love. So, you need to know how to cook, sew, embroide, not just to make the world brighter, but to create it, creating a lot of things with her hands.

A woman should be loving and loved. For this you need to learn to talk with a man properly manage voice, to be able to influence his decisions, but without power, but soft and tender. You must also learn the lessons of love: how to show a man your feelings, how to please him, how in one-touch comfort and support your man.

Woman is created to be a mom. Patient, resourceful, caring, learning. No need to shout,  but to explain, provide the most relevant information, which will be the vector for the little man for life. Tranquility, softness in education, understanding of the problems, confidence and fluency - that is what is often lacking to modern young girls.

Femininity - a quality that is brought up in a person from the first minute in life. An example of moms, women around, and then the life experience can bring to this state to perfection. But in today's world, only a part of the knowledge is used for development.

How to discover your femininity?

The goddess is in everyone, but not all her notice. We have to understand that career development, the need to earn money and run somewhereis quite compatible with femininity. And in symbiosis they give a magical results, improving and personal life, and all other areas.

You should start with self-love. Any manifestations of attention, from manicures to a bouquet of roses, purchased just like that, are able to develop the feminine energy. It must be remembered that if a woman take care of themselves, then someone will take care of her. Recognize that you are beautiful, that the facial features, figure are perfect . Begin to love yourself - maybe there are some flaws, but this is nonsense, because the goddess is unique. Accept yourself, love yourself, to make the world admire you.

Begin to develop your talents. Learn to cook, , sing, dance. Not for nothing before every girl should have been self make a dowry, as embroidery and knitting to develop patience and perseverance, which is useful in the education of children.

Learn basic classes of aromatherapy, Vedic cooking, erotic massage to improve your house  in order to impress your man. What skills will be more pleasant than the more you use it, in order will begin to become more feminine.

Today, a lot of courses, lectures and books that tell the true nature of the beautiful ladies. Do not be lazy, read, in order to make your life  a delightful and enjoyable.

How to become a beloved woman

Falling in love with yourself, and then you fall in love with the whole world! This is the motto of the units in our world, but actually it works. Psychologists say that the better woman refers to herself, the more attention she attracts from the opposite sex. So, to be truly loved, you need to learn how to pamper yourself.

Self-love and narcissism - different concepts. Love - is, first of all, the adoption of yourself for what is, but not simply admiring your own reflection. Have a respect for your body, thoughts and actions. Only when you realize that everything in life - ideally, the world begins to change in the best possible way.

My body is perfect

Shape of the eyes, hips, height, figure, color of hair each has its own. Even the appearance of twins have differences. And it is time to learn to be proud of, rather than trying to become an ideal, imposed by society.

Modern standards of beauty are very specific. Glossy magazines, television and fashion designers claim that there is a certain standard of beauty, which is called the "ideal". And everyone on the planet has to strive for it. But to achieve this goal - it means getting the same "as all". How much this is true? Somehow, millions of women feel that you need to do so.

Perfect appearance each has its own. But there are several compelling elements: well-groomed skin, beautiful hands, tightened muscles and a dazzling smile. To be beautiful, you need to take care of yourself, take care of every part of the body.

A woman can be charming and without the skinny figure, can conquer the hearts even without hair on hук head. The fact that it refers to herself. Love of self begins with a touching concern for the body. You need to take the figure as a given. And no need to customize it for standards, just start to care for herself. A manicure, do not forget about the masks. You should start with a regular facial and neck, but it's best to remember all the body. Dedicate yourself more time, pamper your skin with nice creams, body wraps and massages. Love yourself and appreciate. And the more time you devote to this task, the more you will get admiring glances from others.

I Think and do everything right

You should love not only your body but also your actions and thoughts. In psychology, there is a unique statement, which has helped thousands of people get out of depression: "At the moment I made the best way for yourself. I chose the best solution to a situation that could have been. "Let it become your statement axiom. Perhaps then you will come to mind the idea that it was possible to do something different. But nothing can be changed, and therefore, it is necessary to go further.

Allow yourself to live, do not waste time on regrets and digging into the past. Not worth going to sleep, think about how you could do that. It's a waste of time. Enough sorry! In the future you will do even better, but in the past, you were right. It's your life, you can go for it as you wish.

Give yourself the right to be wrong. Even if something does not add up, do not worry. There are no people who always do everything perfectly. Just let yourself do not control everything, let go of the problems that you still can not decide.

To learn how to relax, use the meditation. They may be very different, it is important that this process is called a sense of comfort and relaxation. Someone is trying to stop the thoughts, someone sings a mantra, and some people choose meditation with the words to the imagination to present the manner described. Choose your method. Some people prefer active relaxation. Sometimes, running, swimming, exercise at the gym,  give a discharge. Look for something that will give pleasure, you are eligible for the ease, joy and serenity.

Relax - this is important

Relax - it's a human right. And it's a way to show love for yourself. Just need to rest properly, without remorse. Day off will never bring lightness, if you are constantly thinking about what did not have time to do. If there are ideas in the mind of the commitments will not find comfort.

In order to properly relax, you need to solve the problem. First way: go on vacation or on a weekend, when all is done, when it is not another report, no need to remember about the partners and the authorities. If all can not be forgotten, you need something to finish, do not think about it constantly. Determine for yourself hours or days when you do not accept to work. This is a solution: it's time to rest - will be the right one. Deny yourself during this period even reminisce about their problems. For their solution find a different time, and rest - is inviolable.

Relax - it's time for yourself, not for cleaning or washing. Of course, home care can help to relax, but it is better to rest for real. Do only what you like. Someone will be active, while others simply will sit at the TV for hours. But it is important not to abuse yourselves, and admit that I like now to do just that. Give yourself permission to do nothing. Let this be a regular ritual - spending some time as you want, not the way you need or others want.

Loving yourself can be different. There are lots of ways to begin to realize their dreams, desires to indulge. Start not from the very large, such as buying a bouquet of flowers. A further is is easier to reach other ambitions plans. Appetite comes with eating!

Seduction is proceeded by "Agent Provocateur" ...

Lingerie brand from England, but his mission is clear in any language. Oh, what kind of underwear! Expensive, impractical, minuscule lace and silk, a pinch of rhinestones and graceful bows - every day is not going to wear. That's right: non-lethal weapons should be available only to a specialist high-end. And just for the purposes of the special operation.

No, you just think about it: the famous brand established by an English couple! But what about the traditional British stiffness, restraint and decency? Sheds little light on the fact that one of the founders, Joe Corre, the son of the mad genius Vivienne Westwood, and to this any scandals on the shoulder. In fact, the emergence of Joe to the white light from the discharge too eccentric. Many years ago, Vivienne Westwood was young, and that's what piquancy, pregnant. She walked down the street by no means a good cause - namely abortion. And suddenly she saw in a storefront window her cherished dream. In a in the form of a gorgeous coat. "My God! Without abortion I can live, but without this beauty can not "- probably something like this reasoned in  Vivian's mind and all the money intended for the operation, were spended on the coat. Soon in the tiny crib little Joe was crying ...

Cheap and cheerful? No, expensive and sexy

In 1994, Joe Corre and his wife Serena Rees decided to "kerf rock in the hole" and shake the sleepy old lady England. Thus arose the first boutique Agent Provocateur. A few words about the title. Translated from the "spy" agent provocateur - a secret agent who instigate actions leading to the trap. Actually, the conclusion suggests itself, is worth seeing lingerie submitted under the brand name. Call it "underwear" language does not turn. Because its primary mission - to seduce, destroy, shoot down the path of true gender male. Perhaps it is because the British thought, standing in front of the shop window of the first with a vicious commodity. And there - oh merciful! - Stretches, smiled and took sexually-enlistment pose mannequins. In lace bustier, fishnet thong, armed with whips and handcuffs in rhinestones to bows but with fur trim. Boutique atmosphere - boudoir, sellers dressed in "uniforms flight attendants" - short pink robe with the inscription Agent Provocateur. By the way, the design developed by Vivienne Westwood. She dictated the rules for its "exploitation": wear exclusively with black stockings, unbuttoned top and bottom buttons of clothes.

Oh, well, what they have done, these Joe Corre and Serena Rees!
 .. Nothing special: call things by their names, crushed pillars of pretense and hypocrisy. And at the same time returned underwear long-lost sensuality and seduction: lace-up corsets, garter belts, a combination of bright, saturated colors. By the way, all these panties, bustiers not be construed as push-ups and seductive pads to add volume to the right places, just beating a backhand naturalness. Therefore, a woman in sexy lingerie feels sexy and domineering. Like she is walking on the podium, commanding shocked and admiring partner. To shake the darling can not only view, but also the price of laundry. However,  he does not need to know this.

The British public maybe grumbled over a cup of tea, but linen swept from the shelves. Agent Provocateur knew what to do.

Harz, Kylie! Do not hesitate, George and Tony!

Buying happiness would not be complete without a controversial advertising moves. Joe Corre did not wait and beg. In 2001, the famous movie was aired with Kylie Minogue in Agent Provocateur lingerie prancing horse an improvised. Well, as a horse - a velvet seat. Well, as the prancing - seductively writhing. A decade after the brand has thrown out altogether unheard-of audacity: posted on his website movie outrageous content. As you see it is unlikely, remains to listen and use your imagination. So imagine the Oval Office, a man like an American ex-president George W. Bush, taking part in a sadomasochistic orgy. Of course, along the way there is an advertising production Agent Provocateur. In the end, there is another party, from head to toe in black latex and wears the mask of a dog. When the "lady" takes off the mask, it is a ... man, surprisingly similar to the British Prime Minister Tony Blair!

Scent of a Woman, and the temptation

The English couple get not a joke and added an arsenal of spirits befitting the occasion - you know, what. So, Agent Provocateur fragrance is hidden in a black box, and that, in turn, hides pale pink porcelain bottle. Which predictably provided "slit for spying." And what opens to the prying eyes? Sleek bottle shaped like an egg, which symbolizes fertility, a woman, and of other similar things here. Ask how perfume? They say they are for women, whose purpose - and the power of seduction. She avoids pressure excludes obligations. She seduces and charms, seduces and provokes insanity. Thats all!

Brand Agent Provocateur presented in the native open spaces, The same boudoir decor boutiques, shop-attendants in her dressing gown fastened correctly, Linen, accessories, perfumes ... And the old, old truth: if a woman does not give up, she wins if rent - dictates the winner. So, are you ready to call your own conditions?

Beauty secrets from all over the world

Each country has gained invaluable experience caring for themselves and Beauty. Japanese women are famous for flawless skin, oriental beauty - gorgeous hair. I have tried to collect for you the most proven and popular beauty recipes in several countries of the world. Maybe you'll find something useful for yourself.


Purpose: Porcelain skin.
Secret Ingredients: rice and seaweed.

Rice Scrub. In ancient times, the Japanese rice bran replaced soap. Until now, many Japanese women use them as a scrub, which perfectly refreshes and rejuvenates the skin. Rice bran is ground in a coffee grinder, and then they are applied after a bath or shower in the wet body, including the face and neck. Besides the fact that rice bran is a good peel for the dead cells, they are also rich in vitamin E and other beauty antiokidantami that improve skin condition. You can use them in a different way: going to take a bath, wrap in cheesecloth half a cup of powdered rice bran and put the bag into the water - after a bath your skin will become the silk.

Seaweed mask. The healing properties of seaweed in Japan has long been known. For the mask you will need about 200 g of fresh seaweed, but you can use dried. Fresh seaweed soak for a few minutes in the water in order to wash the salt. Dry - soaked for an hour in the cold water. Then algae are boiled in a glass of water over low heat for 10 minutes. Grind in a mixer, cool and add a teaspoon of lemon juice. The resulting mask is applied to cleansed face for 15-20 minutes, then wash off with cold water. The mixture can be stored in the refrigerator up to 4 days.

Beware of the sun. Everyone is familiar with the traditional image of Japanese women with a parasol in hand. But it still does not go only famous geisha, but also ordinary Japanese women. After all, the sun - the worst enemy of beauty. But Japanese women do not stop there - they put on, sitting behind the wheel of cars, opera gloves (those up to the elbows) to the sun coming through the open windows, do not spoil the porcelain skin. There is what's take an example!


Purpose: Silk and leather luxurious hair.
Secret Ingredients: almonds, orange peel, melon, olive oil.

Almond Scrub. My Pakistani friend told me that even her mother, who, by the way, was reputed to be the first beauty of their town, used almond flour to cleanse the face. Probably not in vain because modern cosmetologists believe almonds excellent cleansing and rejuvenating. To get the almond scrub almonds are ground into a fine powder and mixed with coconut milk (for oily skin) or olive oil (for dry skin). However, if there is no coconut, it is possible to do regular milk. But the coconut is better - it has strong anti-inflammatory and anti-fungal properties as well as is a good restores keratin that makes up our skin, hair and nails.

Balm for the skin of the head. Patients with dry, itchy scalp is often mistaken for loose flakes of skin dander, and complain that over the years can not get rid of it. Meanwhile, there is a great tool that allows you quickly and effectively solve the problem. Need to rub into the roots of the hair and scalp little warm oil - olive oil, burdock, castor, sunflower, even in the absence of others. You can add to it 2-3 drops of natural aromatic oils. Then wrap your hair with a warm towel and leave for an hour or two. Then wash the hair with a mild shampoo. This mask improves not only the scalp, but also hair.

Orange and melon mask. Here's another favorite Pakistani recipe for beautiful skin: You need to dry orange peel (at last they found a use!) And then grind them in a coffee grinder. Add to them a little melon pulp, or, for want of a little water with the lemon juice. The mixture shuld be put on a cleansed face for 15-20 minutes, then rinse with cold water. The mask is best done in the afternoon or evening, immediately before  living the home. The mask has excellent antioxidant properties, making the skin fragrant, pleasant to the touch and literally glowing from within.


Purpose: The smooth young skin.
Secret Ingredients: Coconut and sea water.

Exotic island beauties not only use coconuts for food, but also successfully are used for cosmetic purposes. With their help, they treat your hair clean and rejuvenate the skin. Possessing land, disinfectant and soothing properties, coconut is particularly useful for the care and treatment of oily, problem and combination skin. Coconut promotes rapid regeneration of the skin, moisturizes and makes it velvety, while eliminating the excess fat. And the healing properties have literally all parts of the coconut: as pulp and its milk and butter, and even peel.

Coconut Scrub. Coconut husks soaked in water for one hour, then thoroughly ground in a coffee grinder. Then pulverized coconut pulp bit - about half the volume husk. And diluted coconut milk mixture to a paste. Scrub is applied after a bath or shower in the wet body, including the face and neck. Skin massage for a few minutes, and then rinsed with warm water .

Thalassotherapy. So called sea-water treatments. It is a traditional practice of the vast number of countries around the world. The benefit of sea bathing is difficult to overestimate, because sea salt, mined from the depths of the sea, contains the full range of minerals and trace elements beneficial effects on the body: sodium chloride, potassium, calcium, magnesium, bromine, iron, iodine, and even silver and gold. All of these substances through our skin receptors have a healing effect: improve sleep and prevent insomnia, irritability, and reduce the symptoms of depression. Seawater also has excellent anti-inflammatory and analgesic effect. Useful sea baths and beauty: they provide a stimulating and regenerating effect on the skin and enrich the skin micro-and macro-elements, improve blood circulation and lymphatic flow, thus restoring elasticity and beauty of the breast and great fight with cellulite. Sea salt is sold in drug stores, usually in packs of 1 kg. The bath is best taken in the morning or 1-2 hours before bedtime. The water temperature should be 35-37 °, duration bath - 10-20 minutes. On the bath is required from 500g (Black Sea) up to 2 kg (Dead Sea) sea salt.

Mediterranean countries

Purpose: The natural beauty of fresh skin.
Secret Ingredients: milk, olive oil, grapes.

Milk baths. Women from mediterranean countries, have always been able to look after themselves. It is known that the ancient Grecian and Roman women loved to take milk baths. It is unlikely that you will afford to take a whole bath of milk, but milk to wash (for dry skin) or yogurt (for oily skin) is extremely useful. Lactic acid has a mild exfoliating properties, so dairy washing refresh and improve the complexion.

Nourishing body lotion. Woman from souther countries, there is a practice self-care: they are applied to the entire body, including the face and hair, olive oil and leave it to soak from several minutes down to several hours. When the oil is washed off, the skin and the hair is literally silk. Just be careful when putting oil on your face - If your skin is prone to rashes, better to limit a body.

Grape freshness. Grape juice is very salubrious for the skin. You can mix it with honey and apply as a mask for toning flabby or tired skin. And you can chop grape seeds, grape juice to dilute and use this mixture as a rejuvenating and vitaminizing .

суббота, 20 июля 2013 г.

The ancient Indian beauty recipes

Ancient India - perhaps the only country where one of the religious principles for a married woman was to like her husband. And to achieve this ideal women should fight aging and were forced to invent more and more new recipes, giving youth and beauty.

Thus, the face skin was wiped with basil infusion of herbs to prevent the formation of wrinkles. The body, according to the canons of beauty, had to be velvety, well-groomed, causing desire. Special attention by ancient medical was paid to the substances wich moisturize and nourish the skin.

Recipes with the use of different oils emerged about 5,000 years ago. First, using coconut oil, famous emollient and also bactericidal. Nowadays, it is known that lauric acid contained in the oil, kills bacteria and fungus formation. But experts on Ayurveda knew about it in ancient times. The the described properties of coconut oil were importaned in a hot climate of India, where there was a very favorable environment for the growth of microorganisms

Keen to please her husband or patron, Indian coconut oil is used both to improve the condition of the skin and hair. It has become traditional to take a bath with milk, coconut oil and rose petals. Such bath makes the skin soft as a baby, and even returned a youthful appearance to very respectable ladies. Bath with lavender, rosemary, nutmeg, cardamom, in turn, helped to mitigate the skin, give it a nice flavor and freshness. Yet the foundation of Indian cosmetics was just coconut oil, in particular, with the necessary supplements that the doctor assigned according to age and state of health of the woman. It melted at room temperature and soaked to the skin, almost without leaving a trace. And applied it as a mask on your hair to prevent the appearance of gray hair.

Along with the application of oils ancient Indian healers and beauticians use massage techniques. Thus, they recommended to do to little girls hairy scalp massage, and perhaps due to this tradition Indian have thick and long hair.

And today, oil massage helps to relieve tension and improve circulation. In ancient times, this type of massage was elevated to an art form. It was believed that it releases energy in the body, improves health, relieves headaches. According to Ayurveda, in temechko is the highest chakra energy, with skillful massage which man casts off the heavy load of problems accumulated over the day, relax, feel reborn.

There were complex in their formulation oils with toning and firming effect. These include mixtures containing Indian hemp root ashvgandy, wax-like substance secreted by insects called Kerry varnish. Sometimes massage oil consisted of 18 or even 25 out of ingredients. Oil mixtures can be used in chronic diseases, tuberculosis, rheumatism, edema. And they helped with a number of gynecological problems. In the latter case, held a stomach massage, which relieves pain and normalize the functioning of the whole organism.

During the hot oil massage was applied to the problem areas and gently massage them. Then left on the body for 40 minutes, then rinsed with warm water. When flushing the ancient massage therapists have used herbal mixture.

Special attention is paid Indians to dentistry. This field of medicine (and to some extent also cosmetology) attributed a divine origin. According to legend, the knowledge of dentistry god Indra gave to the ancient healers called Sushruta and Charaka. We have heard some of their recommendations.

For example, in the collection of sayings Sushruta Samhita describes how to search for growths in the sky, the sky tumors, tumors of the wisdom teeth. Swelling of the gums and tongue ancient book recommends not to cut but to cauterize. Cauterization often applied as medicines and have been used as special tools and hot liquids, such as oil or wax. Widely used by indians were leeches, believing that "bad blood causes diseases of the mouth." 

How to keep youth and beauty? - This question troubled women of all ages and nations. Historical records tell us about the cosmetics of ancient and lost civilizations. So why do not we use tested recipes for thousands of years, tested with one million women and men in the XXI century, when environmentally friendly becomes a symbol of health?

How to look beautyful without make-up?

Sometimes you get tired of makeup. All these jars, tubes - well, as you can! Eyes on them do not look! I want to be natural and genuine, but still beautiful. Can I do that without having to look at myself in the mirror and arm do not reache for the powder or fresh-faced? Of course you can, but, nevertheless, some effort from your part is still nedded.

What is primarily characterized by untidy? Uneven complexion, pimples, puffiness - in short, the state of the skin. And that just is not so conspicuous, you need somewhere to distract the eye companion. And get an  attention to the beautiful and well-groomed facial features. And then come to help:

1. Petrolatum. To make the look more expressive and eyelashes longer, thicker and darker, put on the  eyelashes a clean brush with a little petroleum jelly or castor oil. It would be beneficial for their recovery, if you do it regularly enough, the structure of your lashes will improve dramatically.

2. Well-defined eyebrows. A neat line of eyebrows creates a kind of frame for your face, making the focus on the features: eyes, lips, cheeks. If you want to give your eyebrows the desired shape and direction, use a brush and tweezers for eyebrows. Carefully remove any excess hair and then comb your eyebrows - first against the hair growth, and then to growth. At the brush you can add a little castor oil or petroleum jelly.

3. Sugar Scrub. Scrubs make skin smooth, even and radiant because remove dead skin cells. To achieve the glow of youth to age or even tired skin, you need to regularly use scrubs. If the store is not at hand scrub, you can do well and homemade scrubs. The most simple but effective homemade scrub is this: take some regular granulated sugar and apply gentle massage and moist the skin of the face (do not forget about your lips!), then rinse with cool water. 

4. Light tan. It is the perfect replacement for tonal foundation and even powder. If in the near future trip to the sea does not threaten you, come to the solarium, or even better - bronzer. Tan should be easy enough to hide all the non-uniform color space, but will not wear out the skin visually.

5. Eyedrops. It is a simple but effective trick to instantly erase from the face of fatigue, remove redness of the eyes and make the eyes look bright and expressive drip into each eye, one drop of the eye means that eliminates redness.

6. Moisturizer. Support elasticity and freshness of skin with moisturizer, preferably containing light-reflecting particles. Put it in the morning after washing at a slightly wet face and neck.

7. Beautiful teeth. If you have a white smile, then you can safely dispense with little or no makeup, its absence no one will notice, so white teeth and grooming support the impression of well-groomed as a whole. So do not forget to visit the dentist regularly, periodically whiten teeth and protect them from tooth decay. And, of course, in any case, do not smoke!

Elegant home image

Fashion dictates the rules and in respect of home clothes. It was good to our mothers: in those days they could go at home (and allowed!) in robes. For a modern lady like dress code is not allowed. If we believe in family psychology, in a  such form it is not far to the divorce.

But seriously, in terms of choosing of attire for the house you should follow the example of oriental women. Husbands never see them in the old and ugly clothes and always admire their wives. I like the one statement on this subject, I do not remember where I read it: "The Russian woman puts on the best  coming out on the street, and  does not pay attention to appearance, when she is at home. That is, another man she wants to please, and hers not. "My friend with whom I shared similar thoughts objected that our women do all the work around the house themselves, they do not have assistants, as opposed to the same eastern, and, say, wash the floor in an elegant dress is not very convenient. What is true. But modern designers are for us. In the collections can be found both beautiful and comfortable home clothes. Take a walk to the shops?

So, what guided the choice of home clothes?

At home, we relax, restore power. And this is possible only if it comfortable, cozy, warm, and every detail of the interior we enjoy. The same requirements must meet and indoor clothing. With its help, we are creating a mood for yourself and loved ones. After all, if we are not comfortable in the clothes, no matter how beautiful it is was, would we be able to fully relax? Of course not. We will be annoyed by the fact that, for example, constantly having to correct the straps on top or pull up the skirt. I am sure that soon you will change  beautiful but uncomfortable clothes on the good old bathrobe.

Therefore, the first and most important requirement for home clothes - convenience. Attire must not hamper movements, push, be too narrow. Convenient should be any clothes, but especially home. Another reason that choosing outfits for school and work, we often sacrifice comfort for the sake of beauty. And by the evening are so tired that dream to get home as quickly as possible _ remove all to give yourself a chance to rest. It's like in the commercials where the girl proudly walking down the street in high heels, men looking after her with admiration . But once she crosses the threshold of house , as removes uncomfortable shoes, clothes and put on cute pajamas and slippers.

Second, the important fabric from which made ​​homemade clothes. Pleasant body silk, cotton, satin, flannel, jersey. These materials are soft, warm, breathable, easy to use (easy to wash _ dry quickly). Their only disadvantage is that they are heavily wrinkled. My advice - do not look for clothing made ​​from 100% natural fabric, if clothes will contain small percentage of synthetic additives, things will be less wrinkle.

The third criterion to guide the choice of attire for the home is a pastime in the native walls. How do you spend your leisure time? Are you hosting frequently? What chores are you? For example, a lot of you are cooking. So you need clothes, cut free of the fabric, so it was not hot, with short sleeves. Refill your wardrobe, dress shirt, there will be nothing to interfere with the culinary process. If you're a mom of crumbs that actively learns, then pay attention to the track suit. Obtain to it a couple of t-shirts, and the image is ready! In this dress you can reach to the nearest supermarket,  put garbage until the baby is asleep.

Fifthly, I recommend when choosing a home clothes to give preference to the one which is made in soft colors, so it does not irritate nor you, nor household. Pay attention to the things pale blue, olive, yellow, light pink palette. Do not forget about the accessories. Kit will be brighter if you combine it into a hairpin tone rim.

What to choose?

- Two robes - silk and bath robe. The first is indispensable for the morning toilet, in the second to wrap up so nicely after a bath;

- Jumpsuit. Very universal thing. It is convenient, clean and it is easy to cook in and guests to meet.

- Sweatpants;

- A few T-shirts and shirts-bortsovok. I love T-Shirts with cartoon characters. This print is uplifting;

- Breeches or shorts, depending on the characteristics of the figure;

- Dresses, one lung, another dense, warm for the winter.

Look good at home is very important, especially if you are married. I do not urge you to wear evening dresses and brightly painted, leave it for special occasions. But also do not need to go in the clothes you are ashame to go to street. And in these things we wear more often at home.

Clothing affects our mood. In a beautiful dress even relation to  household chores will be different, they are carried out with great desire. If your wardrobe has no home clothes, buy at least one set. You'll see how you mood will immediately change!  It's so important for a woman - to be beautiful and attractive. And to compliment ones provided!
I wish you in all situations have a flirty look, be well-groomed and elegant!

пятница, 19 июля 2013 г.

Find your own FAIRY TALE

You would think that in the choice of your path you are free from any kind dependencies. That you are freestyle bird and fly wherever you want, do what you want, think about what you want, and say what you want. Yes, yes, of course! That's right! Only in this way is only in your imagination, because you like to think so. In fact, every person is enmeshed in strong network of a variety of relationships: the moral, physical, physiological, psychological, emotional - mass sometimes not even recognized them as such. Because we are using them from childhood.

We are often completely enslaves public opinion and the burden of stereotypes, their own misconceptions and expectations that model of life that we once drew for ourselves once and for all, and follow it religiously.

We used to live in a strange tale, which selected for our life as a benchmark trying to play the unusual role and make completely foreign acts.

Well, for example, the role of a guy like Prince, and he is actively into this role and the suit itself selects and adjusts the expression, respectively, and the princess looks. Well, or at least a frog, but always be magical to know how a princess in which case quickly reincarnated. After all, as they, the women, kicked off the frog's skin, and forward, arms swinging right and left eyes and shoot him, prince, seducing the full program on the right path and teach.
Came up, he came up with, but  not pulling the poor guy as much as the role of the Prince in any way. And our "prince" looks like as ogre. By theprofile and vocabulary. Princess Give to him! No, better a queen!

A princess who dreams of being in the white stone houses with tiled sparkling pool and garden outside the villa, too, imagine messed up fairy tales. And actively learning the role of Snow White , although her ​​brain convolutions are exclusively engaged in the study of hunting areas and rules of the "pickup" of the planned object.

But in principle, Both other people, in general, quite good. Each in its own way. Just do not play their games. And maybe in their only on foreign soil. And when you're in a foreign field, that you seem to be bumps and hills and pits - chasms, and in general the climate is not suitable. Because you're from the North that is ...
Simply put, not getting something. It seems everything is the way you came up, and the legs of the nedded length, and eyes have the color you want, and even voice, smoky with a husky. And, imagine, even a house, but without the pool, but on the beach. And everything else is almost convergent. But it dosen't give you warm, NOT AT ALL!

But why? Because it is not your's! Because you invented all about what you really need, and the very person of yours missed, overlooked, passed by, blurry your own eyes with unrealistic expectations. Then suddenly recalls ...

But too late. You're already playing this tale "fortissimo" in full, go to church, you married the father, forced to kiss the cross. All forever linked by a single network of mutual obligations, dependencies, expectations and disappointments.
"What can we do to that?" - Yelling your inner voice that finally cut through, when drugged brain cleared and tuned in to your real needs.
But do nothing. Live!

Try to live in "your" fairy tale itself and with those characters, which you have! Better late than never! And what happens! suddenly you really wake upSnow White , dropping past mistakes and misconceptions. And in your instead of orge you will attain the Prince. Who knows! In life everything is mixed.

Well, if you have not "got into trouble," that is not found your fairy-tale characters, do not rush to paint himself the image of his lover's hard, based on the words of mother and grandmother, a neighbor on a staircase or friends. They have their own way, and their "princess", and you have your own. But to understand them, to recognize, to feel and "articulate" for yourself you will be able only when you will dismantled in your "inside world".

STUDY YOURSELF!  What you like (not because everybody likes, but because you like it), what is your soul, with whom to you pleasant,dressed immaculately, knowing five languages, and do not be silent for a moment, self-sufficient, or simply a snob and a shy bespectacled, cute, embarrassed and do not hide your weaknesses.

To each their own! Understand this simple worldly wisdom, and Do not look at foreign princes. Occupying someone else's place, one can never be truly happy. Whatever the castles of your dreams he has surrounded himself not. Perhaps this is the most difficult thing in the world, to understand yourself through. But it's worth it! Because it can minimize the amount of unfulfilled expectations that did not materialize, as a rule, lower us to the dark depths of internal frustration, doubt and despair.
What for?
That we learn to accept yourself and your life in the version that is available to us at the moment as the most suitable, because it corresponds with our needs, and our nature, and spiritual impulses, and level of development.

To live in the fairy tale - a pleasure!

You may ask: "How to understand your or not? What if you're wrong? Do not play hide and seek with you in your clever brain? "
Yes, the truth is that he is able to get up to us such things, it is amazing! And if you do not give take the trouble to figure out how he brings to you a wraith and do not learn how to put it into place, you will be doomed for life and live in a strange tale.
There is one universal way to check "your" or is not "yours", to identify yourself with yourself, that bring into full compliance with your internal needs and external displays, balancing all the "pros" and "cons."

This process consists of a complete stop, knocked out of the mind and the inclusion of the heart, the soul, feeling, intuition. Many people have no idea what a powerful force has their soul, who is able to read the information on a thin invisible plane. To them all this chatter seems sheer nonsense.
But even in extreme moments of their life, outside comes the most important things, they can feel the power of the inner prompter. And to say, "Yes, there is something there!"

If you find it hard to trust intuition, if you feel a vague uncertainty, and you're afraid to make a mistake, advise with reality. And the reality will prompt you to correct guesses in the most concrete and specific way.

What we do with pleasure, with joy, that responds to the most important and warm inside of us, what we do and satisfying. This is the most it! Do not discard it as useless. Holite it and cherish, multiply, increase, reinforces this feeling.
And then you feel the same call of the heart, which intuity know better than on logical calculations of consciousness.

Listen to it and follow it, this call, and then you finally will find your story, will not take someone else's place and become happy!

I have myself, once!

Men do us a lot of complement, and sometimes not even trying to hide underneath them a rough adulation. But never a man is not being disingenuous, saying: "you're my only ..." Each of us is really unique. And it does not matter that he is willing to put instead of dots princess or a frog, beauty or beast, more importantly, that there is no more woman like you, there was not and never will.

We love to read about successful people in general, and of women who have made a life of well-being, fame and recognition, in particular. Although, each of us experience a very mixed range of emotions. Sometimes we sincerely happy for them, and sometimes feel, as they say, the envy of the white, and sometimes black. But most of all, we tell ourselves that it was just lucky, and they were at the right time in the right place.

Perhaps this reasoning could claim the title of the axiom, if it were not for one small thing. I personally do not agree only with the fact that all this is just luck, just luck, just a happy coincidence, although the notion of "spoiled child of destiny" has a right to exist, but this is an exception. 
In this regard, the memory pops up a parable about that before you pray to God about the big win, you need  at least buy a lottery ticket.
Sometimes I want to ask, how many efforts we have made ourselves to  be in those "right places", many have decided to donate for that. And if we are not to blame for the fact that so many have missed the very "right time", hoping that we still have "whole life."

I'm not saying that we all need to blame themselves for what we have become stars of different firmaments, believe me, if they are broken it is very painful to fall and rise again so they often have in splendid isolation, is that, unfortunately, the price of success. But at least occasionally "buy lottery tickets" still stands.

In the 20 years the life before us, as the net book, and we have recently finished school, we think that it can be rough draft, and then, later, we can rewrite it. As a result, in 40 years we say that life is a failure, it is gray and boring.

Between middle-aged ladies, beating in depressive-dim convulsions and thus suggestive longing for their loved ones, often occurs such dialogue:
- All is ,bad,  I'm sick and tired of work, I am like a downtrodden horse!
- And what did you do in order to change something in your life?
- What can I?
- What did you try?
- What can I?
- Well, an apartment, a husband and children, probably not, try to change jobs!
- And what else can I do?
- Try something different!
- What can I do?

And so on to infinity. I want to take the shoulders, shake, and say as follows: "Then go at least get hair coated in a green color and wear a shorter skirt Ah, it would be foolish and ridiculousBut do not be sad and AS ALWAYS! And in the evening you can substitute the usual "leave me alone I'm busy," spit on the dirty dishes and do with your child grandiose crafts of the available material, so he took first place at the regular school competition. and when his eyes would shine with happiness, trust me, you'll be ready if not to everything but to a lot ! "
Lovely woman, there are many objective reasons, due to which we can not have everything that we would like and what we are certainly worthy. But remember, that depends on us, if not all, very much.

Our main task is to try to find all the good, bad, as a rule, you do not have to look for, it "comes" itself , and sometimes "fall down" on our heads when we did not expect.
Are you tired of everything. It seems to you that everything is bad. Find the courage to look at the circumstances on the other side!

You think that your life is monotonous, no, it is stable!
Do you think it is gray, well, no, it is not catchy, what would not be maleficiated!
You think that you are, I apologize, like a horse, just you are needed to evryone, and they can not do without you! You are not "horse" - you center of the universe! And to be the center, oh, it is not easy!

And finally, most importantly, a lovely woman, always remember that you are the best! Such as you in a single copy! Love yourself! Every morning, going to the mirror, meet yourself saying, "I am the ONE!" And all will be fine!

четверг, 18 июля 2013 г.

You are - the star of the party

Even the most timid person can feel at ease in any place and at any time, subject to a number of simple rules and a little pre-preparation - says Leil Lowndes, a recognized expert in the field of psychology, communication, bestselling author of "How to talk to anyone about anything . "

Before the event:

Imagine that all this has been
Consider that your task - to play a major role. So spend a dress rehearsal in advance. Imagine how you pacing (impeccable posture, as if someone pulls you up the rope) as smiling with a warm smile (work-out in front of a mirror), hear how confident you are talking to other people and, most importantly, feel the pleasure of knowing that you - in great shape, and people are drawn to you.

Find your "something"

Do not make potential friends suffer, inventing an excuse to come to you. Carry anything unusual that could be a topic for conversation.

Work on image

Show consideration to the choice of attire. If you think that the "dress sits very personal, especially if you draw the belly and do not turn sideways," it is better to put it aside. Otherwise, the entire party will torment you two questions: "So, whether you're standing," and "Is it enough to strongly pulled abdomen." In such a condition is no place for interesting conversations and enigmatic smiles. Pay special attention to shoes. No doubt, the heels visually lengthen the legs. But in order to have noticed it,you will have to move on them , not to prop up the wall! Meanwhile walk "of the tribe," and not from the hip can ruin any beauty.

Achieve 100% confidence

Allocate sufficient time to become perfect. A person who does not need to worry because the nails are not in the best condition, to brow hands have never reached, one eye somehow made ​​up slightly differently than the second, and underwear too tight bites into the body, it is easier to communicate .

Agree with yourself

In order not to be jealous about liberated ladies, preconceived strategy and tactics of behavior. Tell yourself that you are invited to a party, not your restraint, shyness and embarrassment, so that all these qualities will have to stay home and wait for your return.

If verbal persuasion does not help, create a written order on the same topic. Consider this magical changes that have to happen right at Christmas time.

In the beginning of the party:

Use the method of the "Old Friend"

As a rule, people value not only your words, but also how they are told and the tone you use, in what position you are. To make your cues not contradictory the language of your body, imagine dealing with a stranger, that he - your old friend (old love), with whom you have not seen for a long time. And just today, you each have met again. These pleasant feelings will start a chain reaction throughout your body - from the subconscious softening look to the turn of the body.

Use the method of the "Flowing smile"

Take your time to smile to everyone, as if just received from them a huge amount of money donated. Instead, carefully look into a person's face for a few seconds. Try to feel his personality. And then give him a wide warm smile that flows out of your eyes. Pause, which you stand will convince the person to whom you are smiling that smile of yours is sincere.

During the event:

Avoid one word answers

Your conversation even with the nice man can end, barely begun, if he would have nothing to add to what you say. Try to construct sentences so that the other party also had something to say. For example, the question "Where are you from" answer "from the Southern Butovo" is not enough. Nice to add that such a significant and interesting (not for you, but for someone with whom you speak) is in the area. If a male athlete - advice him to visit a good sports club, a banker tell about the lack of additional offices. Your task - to give him an opportunity to comment on your remark .Then, when he says something clever in response to your bait, will take you to as an excellent conversationalist.

Connect the other guests to the conversation

Engage in the conversation of those who like and am glad to join your circle, but does not know how to do it. People are always drawn to those who are interested in themselves. Imagine that you are shining spotlights around in your power to direct their light - try to make sure that their beams visited all who are close to you.
And, most importantly - remember the effectiveness of a smile. If your goal - meeting with a man, then keep in mind the results of research scientists from the University of Missouri.
Female researcher established visual contact with the guinea men who drank while sitting at the bar in the local nightclubs or drinking establishments. In some cases, the gaze of women scholars that was accompanied by a smile. In other cases, they did not smile. "The highest percentage of attempts to establish contact - 60% - was observed in the case where, among others, non-verbal signs of the present interest, a smile."

среда, 17 июля 2013 г.

What can we learn from "bitch"?

Just a couple of centuries ago was called a bitch dead cattlerather than beautiful, energetic woman. Today,  very few people remember this, but the word itself is almost a compliment.
Of course, the bitch - an ambiguous character and the hero is not very positive, but there are things that you can learn from her.

1. The ability to keep a man "on a short leash"

After some (sometimes rather short) time after the wedding, an ordinary woman often finds that succeeded in the quest to be nedded for the husband so that his feet rubbed her neck. With a bitch this embarrassment does not happen - with her "not spoil" at any time she can throw anything. No matter how long a bitch with a man - the feeling of being prey to "catch", you can relax, and then switch to another object - it is unlikely to arise. Its unpredictability - a type of fuel on which "works" male instinct. Bitch looks like a "black box" Russian nesting doll at the same time - to know in advance what is inside, is almost impossible.

2. The desire for perfectionism

In this bitch is always the best (at least, from the fact that she can afford), she will never regret over the money and effort, do not compromise with the toad, which, as is known, is the most frightening animal on earth because often stifled. Why bitch can afford it? Solely because she deserves it! One can not imagine her with black heels, a hunched back, sagging belly or faded bra strap every now and then falling from the shoulder, as she herself strives for perfection.

3. Love for yourself

The nice bitch - no doubt about it, and so typical of women throwing soul on "Was I can love?", "For what I was born into the world?" Or "I can not afford it", "Lucky everyone but me" . She loves herself for what it is - from the heels to the crown, likes simple: by definition, without reservation. Bitch instinctively or consciously resorted to the proven formula of "failures - is good luck, you only have to look at them from a different angle," makes beastliness of ham and presents disadvantages as advantages. Bitch saves a lot of time thinking what to buy in the first place: the next cell to her husband, griddle for mother-in  or a new scratcher with turbopodduvom for cats ... of course,  she will go to the store just to buy something nice to herself.

4. Dignity

Bitch never sacrifice dignity in order to maintain the relationship. No effect self-consolation, "He is  inferior, but mine" or "Better him than one." Options "and that would" absolutely not suited to it. She instinctively feels that the most important person in her life that will be with her from the first to the last breath - it is herself, and that person needs love, no less than the others. "Do not cave in to the changing worldbetter that he sag under us," -  this covenant bitch follow today.

5. The ability to be herself

People who are indifferent to bitch, almost none. But bitch, indifferent to the opinions of others, and reliable "grafted" from the syndrome of, "Oh, what will they think," is full. Men look after them with admiration, and women feel soulless selfish (though at heart often envy). However, the bitch can hold a person staunchly attacks from jelious and their principles, unlike men,  never change.

The successful and free: how to be a loner

Many people think that "loner" and "lonely" - is synonymous. But is it really?

Yes, at times it may be true - who of us from time to time is not sobbing into a pillow at the thought that He only perhaps have already came - and gone?

Smug news from happily married friends, too, can be a source of stress and self-doubt. But in both cases it is important to remember that:

  1. Your friends will show the public only public mask - that is the most positive aspects of their relationship.
  2. It does not matter what they say about the inextinguishable sex: they still have to watch him floss, and maybe even let gases continuously.
  3. Life in a pair - not vaccinated against loneliness: remember, you were just lonely  with a former boyfriend?
  4. Feelings - a passing thing. Sometimes I also think that tomorrow morning, wake up a little kitten would be great, but it passes.

Five rules of success

  • Support other women, regardless of the status of your relationship
Women are the toughest critics of other women. Do you condemn, in silence, style of your colleagues, curve a sly lips over her choice of food, not to mention a boyfriend? Stop doing it, damn it! Nobody makes it no better, least of all - your self-esteem: so if you're secretly judging others, you begin to suspect paranoid that they condemn you, too. So, with regard to women in your life - be a good friend when they heartbroken, and be able to genuinely rejoice when they meet the beautiful people.Critic aside: in general, when we criticize each other, we are projecting onto others our own insecurities. The next time you catch yourself on this, pause and think for a moment do you judge by yourself? Would you be angry  if someone told you the same thing? That's where the food for thought is ...

  • Do not let the bastards upset yourself
Unfortunately, it's a fact of life that you can not change: people are tactless and pry into other people's business. Modern alone people face a lot more to learn how to behave in such interactions than willing to make them disappear. From time to time some idiot friendly will ask you when you think "to settle down." Do not take this as an excuse to hide in the closet or roll up the scandal. You're too good for that.

Battle cry of Singles - Independence: romantic,
 intellectual, financial, dressing room

  • Conduct business and have an active life

Have a lot of cases. Meet people. Engage in fun, exciting activities. Love your work. Never puncture a hole in your life in the form of the male silhouette, then to spend the time, eagerly peering into it. To all those for whom you need to worry, do not care, with how many people you show up in public. If you are unable to go to the toilet without being accompanied by a squadron of support , guarding your every move, now is the time to break the habit . Go to the movies, be engaged in some activity, dine out at home ... alone. Go on vacation - solo. If you ever thought deep down that no one gets involved in a relationship (or supports) simply because they can not tolerate being alone (or, even worse, you're accused of this) - then this is especially important.


  • Be independent, both emotionally and financially

There is a stereotype that does not want to die - stereotype hunter for money. So, even though the image accompanying this sentence is laughable (Gucci, bling, five-inch heels, a tan from the "Tango"), the reality is much more pervasive and subtle. Hoping to go to half-time, when zavedesh family? Uh ... but you can ask who will pay for it? You think you're supposed to equal share in the ownership of any future home, even if your husband earns more? Again, think again about the subtext: equality otnosheniy.To, you're a woman - not a good reason to expect that other people will provide you. If someone offers to help - accept it with gratitude. But do not treat her for granted, laid you on the right. It's great to feel loved and adored. Much less cool - to create the impression ungrateful when people really did love you and adore.

Emotional independence is running on the same level. Any of this shit, "you  complete me" - what's that? Many women seem to consider perfectly acceptable to postpone their own happiness to the moment when we'll see the Prince Charming (and then fall into a stupor when he looks around, assess opportunities and dumps in an unknown direction.) Well, what do you want! Did you experience that you could drive to the man who would take you by the hand and began to look into the eyes and sincerely-confidential report that the meeting with you - the happiness that he had always dreamed of? No, damn it! This is a one-way ticket to the city Stalkervill.

  • Be honest

Ability, which is quite a lot of women do well - is the suppression of their feelings in order to give pleasure to other people. It is not only harmful - it is irritating. You may think that you are calm, unruffled and control yourself - when, to be honest, you act awkward and insincere. So it is critically important to be as honest as you can. But not to the point, you know, when it becomes rudeness. Honestly determine what you feel, and said aloud boundaries of behavior that you expecte from others, but do not tell that person all through  is bad and wrong.

"Guide to Men" Belle de Jour (c)

понедельник, 15 июля 2013 г.

Fatal woman

Fatal woman (Fr. la femme fatale) - common in literature and film image of a sexy woman who manipulates men by flirting. She is not always the one whom she claims to be in the beginning.

I am sure that every woman, at least once in a lifetime "tries on" the image of a woman - the vamp. After all, the image of the fatal, passionate, impregnable and at the same time enticing and mysterious woman drives men crazy. Do not see such woman impossible. It is always a strong and conflicting emotions: men love her  passionately, madly or hate, but indifference is no place to be here.

One of the secrets of the "femme fatale" in the fact that they know exactly one simple rule:   fullness, crooked legs and a big nose do not make us ugly! And our sense of insecurity that comes from awareness of their own "inferiority." It makes no sense to get angry and offended by the fate of the whole wide world: it makes us closed, vulnerable, spiteful and resentful. 

A woman with such qualities is unlikely to attract someone's attention, and the exterior has nothing to do with it. This woman knows well: her shortcomings may like nothing less than the dignity of her, and sometimes more. 

Another secret of the "femme fatale" is that it is up to the subtleties know (or feel) the male psychology. When dealing with any man she uses (not always consciously!) one and the same scheme consistes of only four steps. It's really scheme, because its content - especially individual and creative.

Step one: "You are such an extraordinary".

Step two: "Why is no one besides me, does not notice it?".

Step Three: "If you want, I will help you get better?".

Step Four: "And now look how I am extraordinary".

Very unpretentious-looking pattern, but in all ages on any man she acted perfectly. It is only necessary to competently and without hypocrisy to use it. 

Moreover she is not a man-hater, sometimes it seems that she herself-that is not fully conscious of her strength, so easy and natural this woman behaves. And why, exactly - "fatal"? Because even a fleeting meeting with her man will remember as something very important for him personally ... Maybe it will be right to call it a "real woman"? What is her secret? And what is it - an innate quality or skill acquired consciously? Is it possible to become a "femme fatale"? As one classic said, the "femme fatale - it's a profession." A profession can and should learn.

The image of "vamp" choose for themselves decisive, confident in their own beauty, irresistibility and sexuality women, such as Renata Litvinova, Monica Bellucci, Nina Dobrev,Beyonce, Angelina Jolie and others.

Manner of a woman - vamp

Manner of the women - vamp wear a light shade of negligence. Vanity and concern are alien to her . She is confident in herself and it is not possible to embarrass her. The woman - a vamp is laconic, but what she says always makes sense.  Her movements are smooth, graceful, confidentt, but not impetuous. Such woman can be compared with a panther which came out on hunting, her beauty and grace border with danger.


Vamp style in clothes - is primarily a contrast throughout. Clothing should attract attention and arouse interest in others. In this case, the brightness and sexuality bordered with exquisite taste and irresistible appearance. All clothes are beautiful, harmonious and sexy, but not in any way vulgar.

Preference should be given to close-fitting and form-fitting silhouettes. Clothing should be possible to emphasize the dignity of the figure - beautiful breasts, beautiful shoulders, arms or legs, at the same time hiding the tiniest flaws. Be sure to emphasize the slim waist, using wide belts or narrow bright belt.


Clothes should always be thin, form-fitting fabrics such as satin, silk, jersey, thin skin, the clothes which better underlined curves of the female body.


It is very important that the clothes had a bright but natural colors - black, maroon, bright red, scarlet, dazzling white. Out of prints are best suited for the style leopard, tiger, under the skin of reptiles.


It is important that women underwear, preferring style vamp, was luxurious, lacy and expensive. This gives confidence in her irresistibility. Black stockings and push-up bra is also attached to the image of sexuality, as well as a top slimming corset and transparent blouse demonstrate the impudence and aggressiveness.

Option wardrobe:

  1. Fitting dress to the ankles with a deep neckline or a high side slit, or completely closed, but showing beautiful hands and shoulders;
  2. Short-fitting dress from the sparkling fabric;
  3. Complete sets of red and black lacy lingerie;
  4. Top as a slimming corset and transparent blouse. It is obligatory to blouse long narrow straight skirt with a slit up to the mid-thigh;
  5. Tight-fitting trousers made ​​of satin fabric.
  6. Tight-fitting trouser suit.


Accessories do not complement the style vamp, but seduce. Long gloves, developing a chiffon scarf, luxurious and elegant jewelery with precious stones or sequins, small elegant and refined handbag clutches.


Shoes - an extraordinary and elegant. It is best to opt for a light and open sandals or shoes at a high and thin heels. Speaking of boots, high heels and a perfect fit by foot binding. Avoid unnecessary cumbersome details and bagginess.


Doing make-up style vamp main emphasis should be on the eyes and lips. The eyes are enclosed in a black outline with a pencil, and the line should go as far as possible for the external borders of the century. In return for lips should be used a bright and vivid colors of lipstick with gloss. Best fit red, dark red, burgundy or maroon. Another important point. The girl-vamp manicure must exactly match the lipstick. Required and pedicure, which should be perfect.


Despite the fact that the woman - vamp majority with the dark-haired beauty, if you have light hair, it does not mean that you can not play the role of the fatal temptress. Simply provide the proper care of your hair so that they can serve as worthy of framing the face.

To create a hair style vamp is quite suitable as long hair and hairstyle - quads. Can be curled strands, leaving them loose, or collect hair in a pony.

Dominatrix-style is cocky and bright, sexy, like the woman herself, preferring this image. If you like it - feel free to choose it!