вторник, 13 августа 2013 г.

You are amazing!

I am amazing! "Say these words out loud and confident. This is the second magic spell that can make wonders. You are - amazing! Believe it. Call in to help all of your previous experiences. After all, you have everything you need to be loved worthy man. And now we're just learning to use it "all" in practice.

Why do you not always feel like a woman, totally admirable? Just because you only see things coming through your mind resulting in a dense filter that transmits the light of day you just admitted the error, previous disappointments and all the moments in your life when you behave not in the best way. In other words, you see yourself in the distorted mirror , which helpfully delineates all of your flaws and shortcomings.

Are you , in fact so ugly? Of course not! And now we'll know why.

You are amazing! Of course, you are not perfect - how not immaculate are men  worthy of your admiration . But that's why you are with them so well come to each other. You all - at the same time delicious and possess some imperfections.

By the way, let us look at ourselves disadvantages from a different angle. Certain imperfections make you interesting, different from all the others. It adds a special touch to your way of communicating with people. Whether you are perfect in all, you would lose that zest, which is the "face" of every person

Fortunately, you are not perfect. You are lucky! You have a direction in which you can achieve even greater excellence. So work in this area, work on yourself. Many women who are burdened by a lot of shortcomings, and continue to trudge through life cursing their evil destiny, but do not striking even lift a finger, in order to at least do something change yourself. But you will make required minimum effort and very soon make yourself a gift that  you never dreamed of yesterday!


Who are the people who buy books and videos with the procedures and guidelines on how to achieve self-help and heal their relationships with others? These are people who, sooner or later destined to achieve success in life and general well-being!

Successful people - people who seek to educate themselves no matter how deep is their acquired knowledge and life experience. Whatever success they may have achievedthey never lost the desire to achieve even greater prosperity.

Such people do not always show the willingness to accept given them halo of a person successful in life, who has nothing left that rest on their laurels. Rather, they see themselves as hard workers who continue to strive to achieve even greater success. Therefore, they continue to accumulate knowledge.

In this one you really like them. You do not want to waste your life flowed, condemning you as a blind puppy wallowing in the cycle of everyday problems. Are you looking for an opportunity to direct life back on track, and who seeks will always find!

You are not just a casual viewer, sadly watching how others find their happiness. You are - are potential winner. You actively seek to learn how to manage coincidence. This is exactly what distinguishes man who sooner or later good luck smiles.

As everyone else, seek to achieve a lifetime of success, you can not immediately take the lines that you would like to achieve, but you will always be much closer to  dream, than would have been sitting back and waiting for the sea weather. And it's only because with all your flaws and imperfections

Nine times out of ten your relationship with a man is only a reflection of your relationship to herself. If you love yourself, others will love you to

To foster a respectful attitude to herself, you have come to the realization of a very important fact: you - the person and the greatest authority in all that relates to your own life. Keep this in mind at all times because this view determines the way you will be perceived by a man.

Become yourself best friend and assistant, you can following way.

Learn how to consider attractive everything that you have, simply because it is - yours. Treat sympathetic to itself and to the subject matter of your preference.

Learn how to defend your point of view, whatever it was. If you will refuse stand up for yourself, on whom you have to expect? Do not rush to agree with the chorus of critics that shower at you the accusations, blame and resentment. If the situation really requires it, perceive their point of view, but do it in such a way that the flow of criticism in your address has changed intothe expression of approval and courtesy.

Do not waste your whole life waiting for, "THE ONE", with the emergence of which everything will change around you once and for all. This man already so many years wanders somewhere close by and you can not find him. And sitting out all day at home, at work, unless you will make it easier to find him ? Of course not! And you have to make a maximum effort to this. So become closer to yourself for the time, "Not THE ONE ,"as well as several men,that are worthy of your admiration and are able to brighten up hours of your expectations. 

Give yourself a little more kindness. I do not know what is the reason, but in every woman's life there comes a time when it seems as if it is completely useless. Do not believe this feeling, remember: you are needed first of all to herself

Learning to be a QUEEN!

Dear, dear, loved  women! Most of you live alone, or with the unloved person, or frantically rushing in search of happiness ... You are - scared, confused and disappointed with life. Are you looking for support in this crazy world, but you're too weak to understand:

You so want to be weak, bury your nose in the man's shoulder and to be a little girl, which mighty and the adult male will protect against all adversity, will love and tender care of her all life.


Even the parents do not have to take care of you all your life, and do you expect from a stranger that would take the baton from them?

It's time to grow up. And it means - to accept responsibility for everything that happens to you. Threw a beloved? Do not whine, do not feel sorry for yourself and think - why it did not happen the way you planned? And were you planning to do something? Or, once again, relied on the "fate"? 


Each person can achieve what he wants if clearly decides WHAT he needs, HOW he can reach it and STOP  EXPECTING from the the WORLD FREEBIE.

You do not expect that someone will come and bring you money? You get up in the morning and go to work. As it is necessary to act with respect to the rest.
Start with yourself. Start with some small things. Teach yourself to be happy - always, regardless of the circumstances. DARE to be yourself. 
Tell yourself it does not matter, even if I do not meet my man in my entire life , I still: will get a lot of pleasure from intercourse with men, will test all pleasures of sex, give birth to the child ...

In general - I will do what I want. THIS IS MY WORLD!

And, believe me, you will have all that and much more of what you want to be done. World - rich and generously gives oneself to the one who knows how to enjoy it!

You are - WOMEN. You are are valuable itself. Doubt? Go out and flirt with any man. How he would be delighted! You say; oh, well, opening, understandably what these peasants want from us. Exactly! You initially have something that gives you value in society. But men have to make EVERYTHING ourselves. Use your feminine charm, to bring joy to themselves and men.

Be self-confident women. Not a bitch, not a maid, not a work colleague, but - the Queen of World.

The key to all of this - in FLEXIBILITY. Rubber hose can be tie a knot - and still he remains himself. Learn how to be flexible - and then you no longer have to wait until someone will choose you, you will be able to choose YOURSELF most pressious for yourself.

Your KING.

понедельник, 12 августа 2013 г.

The girl - "prick tease " - who is she?

Men, for some reason always think that a woman own something to them have, and she should to them usually SEX. It is not clear where they get the idea that if he's on his own will buy you a cocktail, you owe him sex. If he asked you out to a restaurant, then you  owe him sex. Even if you're just a very attractive and, God forbid, sexy, then you owe him sex. And if for you it is not yet clear, he by all means will give it to you to understand. Moreover, if in your mind was not such idea, you will be accused that you did badly, you used him and dumped him . It does not matter that he himself taken the initiative, it does not matter that nature has blessed you with beauty and intelligence, he still will blame you in his troubles .

Of course, can the immense male ego accept the fact that he simply was not good enough for you? No, that's impossible. He needs someone to blame for his failures and blame, of course, you .

If a woman that does not respond to the provocations of men, who knows what she wants, who sleeps only with those who really like her, but not with those who starts to put pressure on her, is called "prick tease "  - then yes, I am the PRICK TEASE. If the compliance own interests, the ability to hold the position and insist on her own called "prick tease "  - yes, the "prick tease "  that is what we want.

No matter what anyone says about the equality of men and women, all of us are the same, we are different. We are too different to be identical. And what men find their weakness, most often their weakness is the female force. But in what men are strong, all too often destroys women. I do not want to be a man. What for? I'm not going to be a man, I will be  better equal to a woman. And that is what makes me successful. Successful woman in front of which there is great potential. Be flexible - sometimes weak, sometimes strong, sometimes asking, sometimes insisting. Be different - sometimes funny, sometimes sad, sometimes clever, sometimes silly. But always be free.

Yes, men do not like such girls. And all because they want to impose on women a lot of obligations, to repair her for theirselves, to deprive their own will. "Prick tease " is free. She does what she wants and does not depend on men. 
She is attractive and does not intend to pay for the complexes of men. 
She does not render to them in dialogue and is ready to accept their admiration of herself. 
But she will not step over herself.

She is independent. After all, only independent people can afford easily take the gifts of others - their attention, worship, gifts. For all you have to pay? You should, and you pay for - and she is independent from the conventions.

"Prick tease " is - a real woman, and she can achieve her goals by any means. If she wants, goes directly, and if not, there will always be a real man who will gladly do it for her. And they will not accuse her of being too attractive, or too sexy or that desirable. She is such as she was created, and this is only her merit.

I -am what I think of myself

When you say "me" what do you mean? Who is you, who is this "I", let's try to understand.

What can you say about yourself? Stop for a minute and think about it. Give yourself a definition. Do not be too philosophizing and think of complex designs. Try to define yourself in one word. "I am ...". I - the person. Well, frankly, indisputable statement. But what it gives you, what it tells you yourself or others? What do you have two arms and two legs. That you are omnivorous. That you possess intelligence. Good, but not too much, do not you think?

This game in the definition of itself can be continued. Who else are you ? "I - a woman / man" - here is, added another item. "I - a parent," "I - ...". The list goes on. Try it. How much do you have such determinations for yourself?

So, you are -  all that is above. Each of these definitions imply some special features. From these onesis in many ways made ​​up your unique and exclusive. Let's try to take the next step. Look at each of these "definitions". What it carries? What kind of information? For example, as I said, "person" - this, at least, bipedal mammal. More and reasonable, like. So, it turns out that for every image is a specific set of descriptions, but if you're talking about yourself, self-descriptions. Each of these characters has a certain set of features and, importantly, behaves in a certain way. Worker works, parent  is raising a child, the driver is driving, and so on.

... You somehow identify with these characters and live the way they should live. This - at most (but not less than) are your roles. And these roles you try out myself. Some culling, some are leaving yourself. You draw yourself like a picture which shows who you are. And this inner picture helps you to be yourself. And the extra touches - it's your development milestones.

So, the picture shows who you are. And the artist - is you too. And no one else. notice this.

That is, of course, someone can to some extent affect you, and your picture will change something, but to apply or not to apply the new touches - it's up to you and no one else. In the end, your whole life - is the process of drawing pictures. Something to erase something to finish. But pencil and eraser are in your hand ...

This picture occurs in obedience to your wishes, short-term and premeditated. Sometimes it is the mood - and you suddenly throw a few extra features. And sometimes you  take a long time of thinking, it is worth to once again touch the canvas and what you exectly  need to fix in it or what to add. And what has been drawn, mind you, change yourself. You find yourself in a strange way connected with your own creation. You are becoming it. Those features that appear in the portrait, become your features ...

Let's go back to our game, we started with, remember? So, there are a number of roles. Do you accept them, sometimes consciously, sometimes not. And they become part of you. Knowledge of these roles, can tell you about yourself.

You - are, in a sense, a set of your own self-perceptions of ourselves.

You know your capabilities and limitations, advantages and disadvantages, isn't it? And this is the description - the most accurate portrait of yours. Who knows you better than you know yourself? The others? But they judge you just by your appearance. Your behavior - is just one side of the coin. After all, you yourself understand more what you're doing and why. And what not to do.

But know everything about yourself , probably is impossible. Or at least very difficult. You can tell only what you know and realize yourself because only that you realize himself, right?

For example, if you do not notice the fact that you are often greedy, you can not tell to yourself you can not say "I  am mean." Sometimes it happens that a person knows that he is greedy and behaves accordingly. According to his representations about itself. As if he himself - that's what he thinks about himself. This is true, of course, not just about disadvantages. If you, for example, do not fully realize your potential, you too will not manage to tell anyone about it, even to yourself. The point here is not to boast. Quite different. In getting to know yourself ...

.. Because such knowledge has a special power. When you can judge yourself, anyway, you  kind of get under the influence of these words, these judgments. They can help and hinder you, it all depends on the situation, what is going on in your life. The more roles you have, the more resources for self-description, the richer selection of what can be done.

People - being oh, what a difficult and ambiguous. Contradictory, we'd say. Sometimes it is difficult to predict its behavior. And even my own. So we create for ourselves description, which laid our properties and help us be ourselves. Otherwise too difficult. "I - a young and healthy, so I'll let the bus sit to the sick and the old people." This is quite natural and even necessary for the organization of at least some of our lives. Knowing what else you would expect from yourself certain actions in certain situations. Knowing yourself, you can do anyway. Your possibilities are largely determined by your self-perception is.

But, mind you, the same self-description can be a challenge. You need to do something that collides with your own ideas about ourselves. "I - polite and never rude to other people." It is the right and, like, a harmless plant can in fact do a good or a service. When, for example,  bad people try to stick to you. But the person is so intrusive that dosen't pay attention to your polite persuasion . In such a situation, it seems necessary to get out of yourself. Come out beyond itself. Be something more than you can imagine.

воскресенье, 11 августа 2013 г.

Affirmations. What is this? And how it works?

Affirmations - are statements that are helping to change the way we think and create the future that we seek. But not only ...

Affirmations - the thoughts, words, feelings, and emotions that each of us use in everyday life. However, as we all know, we do not always use the positive but also negative statements. So first of all, if you want to change your life for the better with the help of affirmations, you should only use them in a positive way.

So how does it work?

Think about what you're saying? Count how many times a day, for example, you or the people around you pronounce the word "Nightmare!" and "Horror!" These words should be forgotten! Each time, instead of them say, "Happy!" If aloud so hard to do, you can say it to yourself. The main thing - to replace every negative pulse to positive.

Or, for example, the phrase of astonished man, "Wow!" does not hold water. Remember once and for all - "All of Me." And just so, then the well-being will walk as your shadow.

Our thoughts and emotions shape our lives and our surroundings. Remember that like attracts to itself similar . Negative thoughts attract negative events in our lives but fears and concerns necessarily materialize, since we have projected their ourselves. What do you think, that you become.

From the above we can make a remarkable conclusion: "The positive thoughts and emotions of love, happiness and enjoyment, will draw into our lives happy event and necessary to us people."

But for those who are convinced that it does not work. Let me explain that the affirmations can not work only in one case - if there is a conflict between what you say and who you really are. That is, if you think one thing, say another, and the third mean, your guardian angels are no longer able to understand what you want in reality. That is, if every day you say "I want a bag of money," and the subconscious mind responds to answer "Yeah, hee-hee, now will repeat  10 more times and get as many as two suitcases ... this theory does not work," of course, nothing will work . Because there is no specific goal. There is a simple "want".

The main thing - your positive attitude, a belief that you will succeed. Come first to harmony within yourself, and you'll notice that the world around you has changed. Changed as much as you wanted to.

First, any positive statement is formulated in the present tense or as an accomplished fact. Secondly, there should not be a particle "not". 
Third, it should be directed only to a good cause and for the sake of goodness and love in the universe.

And one more thing, do not come true the desires which you think you want, but those whose performance your subconscious actually wants . So, do not be surprised if it comes true, what you so passionately wanted but were afraid to even think about it ...

Of course, I can cite the example of the great Louise Hay, who is the founder of the theory of affirmations. Despite the fact that she was born into a very poor family, was exposed during childhood of the humiliation by others, and many other things which I will not tell youshe changed her life through positive thinking, which has become a creature of her life (you can do some reading of her book where it says a lot about the way of this change.) And everything that she has managed to achieve, Louise Hay, reached  without assistance through the active application of learned and even improved method of positive thinking, which is based on its unique affirmations. The woman regained her ruined health (got rid of the cancer of the uterus without medication and operations, but only the power of thought) and established her own destiny!

Another important note. Affirmations can change your life, so first of all, think about it,  whether to change the life that you have now. As the saying goes, do not fix what is not broken. If you've decided that you need a change, as the air, then go ahead. We expect great things.

Saying the affirmations is an effective way to achieve the goals, happiness, love, harmony, health and well-being. Work with them every day, saying them aloud or silently, and the result will not wait!

One last tip before you start using affirmations, ask for forgiveness from yourself and your body for what was previously thought about someone (especially you) badly, for having experienced negative emotions, and promise yourself with this time to think and speak only positive. And follow that promise

When your life will be filled with nothing but positive thoughts, feelings and emotions that come along with them and remain with you forever peace, understanding, empathy, the ability to forgive and most importantly - love.

I wish you learn to see the good in everything with what you meet, and believe me, the world will respond in kind. Positive thoughts will be the light to guide you through life and will open all the doors in front of you.

The area of freedom

She does not depend on age, passport or certificate. It is possible in 15 years to win the European Championshipor you can in 25 - to sit on the neck of the parents. So instead of waiting for some kind of offensive magic hour, after which you will become independent woman - studing these text, force yourself to change, and make a choice in favor of your road.

Learn to agree

I presume you occupy a big stubbornness. If you have decided that right after the New Year you with Adam  get married and go away to the Arctic - to lift the fallen penguins (they themselves can not stand up, if topple), so - so be it. And let the world does not waste time on empty persuasion, but rather help you to pack in a suitcase ipod and woolen socks.

Who are we fighting for?

With the senseless obstinacy. If you take the trouble to at least five minutes to listen close, you may realize that in some ways is to agree with them. For example, in what is now the most important thing for you -  study. And the Penguins and Adam can easily wait. Maybe in a couple of years, you do not want to lift the Penguins but breeding Labradors,and with Will in New Zealand.


With adults: You have convinced me. It seems so really would be better.
With her: You know, you seem to be right. I'll have to try it.

Learn how to argue

To compromise - not means being a weak-willed. Teacher loudly asserts that the chipmunk - is bird, and you're willing to nod his head, hoping for relief in the exam? Ugh, how embarrassing. But even worse, if you are in a hurry to agree with everyone just to please and get liked .

With whom are we fighting for?

With the lack of character and a tendency to grovel. Divide your inner beliefs into areas and once for all decide - what are you willing to sacrifice for the sake of others, and what - no. For example, no one will ever convince you to try drugs or steal something. This is an area of ​​strong and unquestioning "no." In all other cases, the need to make a decision is based on the situation.


A person who knows how to be calm, firm and arguments to say "no" - it's a strong person. Such a man nowhere will be scared, want to be friends with and are afraid of enmity. Spineless sycophants slide in a dark corner. But bear in mind - the art of saying "no" to train better not on your grandmother who asks you to take out the trash, but on the friend, offering to smoke, "one such magical marijuana from Jamaica."


With adults: Sorry, but this is against my principles!
With your: Smart people do not do that.

Learn to recognize the errors

Not mistaken only one who does not do anything. All fail from time to time tasks, break the rules, disrupt the timing and do not hear the alarm.There is nothing wrong with errors. Bad if you're acting like a dopey kid who tries to blame the broken cup, and eaten jam on the innocent cat.

With whom are we fighting for?

With cowardice.


If you itself without waiting for debriefing, say that was mistaken, no one will trample you underfoot. You probably even scold no one will. Because people who recognize their mistakes are the only strong and upright men. And there are always respected by all. The main thing - do not forget to fix your own fault. Who broken a vase, is the one who sweeps up the pieces.


With adults: Sorry, but it seems that all I brought. What can I do to make as soon as possible to rectify the situation?
With your: I'm sorry, I did not mean it, I promise. Let's try to fix it?

Pimp optimism

No one likes moaners and pessimists, . You would take in exploration (to the team, to work) a person who drags everyone behind, afraid of challenges and moreover hoots like an old gloomy owl, that all is lost?

With whom are we fighting for?

With blues and laziness. Just do not stick humus - from optimism to enthusiastic idiocy If you and your friends get lost in the woods, do not rapidly be glad that you can make some glamorous skirts of mugs and get acquainted with a snow man. Tell better to everyone  not to panic, change the shoes (dry and wet socks needles spoil strayed karma) and look at the north side of trees. The idea is that it should be covered with moss. In the meantime, people having fun, call the Ministry of Emergency Situations and calls the professional reinforcement.


Optimistic, confident person automatically becomes a leader in any company.


With adults: I love challenges. They encourage me.
With your: Come on, everything will be fine! I know how to handle the situation!

What will help you quickly become an independent?

1. Foreign languages.

Bison them, and even better - love. A man who simply says at least one foreign language - is the embodiment of freedom and independence. You will not get lost in any country of the world, read more books (translated by no means the best), you will have advantages in hiring and in the choice of the gentleman.

2. Travel.

Buy a ticket at a travel agency can anyone. Learn how to plan your trip by yourself - choose the route yourelf, order tickets and book hotels, chooses travel, country and city. You do not notice how you will visit entire planet, make a bunch of friends and a million precious memories.

3. Internet.

There are not only the horoscope, diet and abstracts. Internet - it's your personal freedom - the freedom to buy, to vote, to travel, to believe. Make your site, start your own blog - and not full of stupid hearts and syusyami about Tokio Hotel, but a real, serious. Try to convince the thousands of people that you are serious, adult, and you have something to say to the world. It may well be that the world will indeed be interesting to listen to you.

4. Work

No matter - the pizza, the waitress, the courier, Jr. Assistant Secretary. At your age, any job - is important and honorable, because - first in life. Believe me, the need to perform adult responsibilities and adapt to the team quickly will be deprive you of infantile quirks.

I myself!

1. Responsibilities.

Own  responsibilities that everyone has an independent and an adult. For example, shift on your fragile shoulders all invoices that come to your home. If you do not trust the money and important forms? By the way, this is a very sad occasion for thinking.

2. Money.

Establish usually defer 10% of any amount in the precious envelope. No matter - this is permanent or casual earnings 500 dollars donated by your aunt about passing the exam or little thing you are given out to pocket expenses. The main thing - 10% should go to the stash. If you do not have the courage to gut the envelope for a year, you'll get a major award - out of nowhere a substantial sum that can be spent on all sorts of joyous frenzy. And, of course, the title of the Most Intelligent and Independent in the World Girl.

3. Pet.

Again, it does not matter - to whom exactly do you bring down a wave of tenderness,

responsibility and care. Hamster, puppy, baby brother, cactus named Athanasius - all of them wither without your help and warmth. Nothing makes a man independent as quickly as the need every day - regardless of the mood and the weather - take out, bring water or filtered water thoroughly someone young and defenseless.

Be a MAN!

Forget about the recent rebellion of feminism - women wearing bags, pay for them at the cafe, open doors for them, protect them, take on their issues.
Maybe you'll understand why all this and why it is are you when the thousandth time you come home, and then all the way comfortable, towelies of yours different colors in the bathroom, and there is  a plate with dinner. Maybe when everything will slip out of the hands - work, business, friends, but she - your good,  will be next to you every day - kissing the hands, curling up at your feet, and laying your head telling you that you are the best. And, maybe, when you see how much health and nerves, she lost while wearing under the heart your child, or when, after hours of 12-16-20 in the throes of childbirthshe will give you an heir.

Be kinder to her.

Stop wag her nerves with your pride, man's logic, strength of character. Call her. Especially when you had a fight, call her. If you only saw her crying bitterly after you threw up, slammed the door. No, not that beautiful she cries, like in the movies shown in the pillow and quietly. She weeps bitterly, wiping tears from ugly, swollen, red face. She can be heard on the street, in a neighboring apartment. She howls in pain, which causes her to you. Call her back, come. Grab her up and take out of this misery, as from a fire in the fire.

Earnestly desire her.

Passionately, violently, furiously. Beat your fists on the wall, stomp the feet, smash everything around. Just never tell her that she is to blame for this. Do not reproach her, do not blame her. Better to let the 'one goat that looked at her "will be  wrong. But it is for you to let remains saint. Believe me, if she wants to change,
she will change, and you will not know. But if you paid attention, she did it on purpose. What would be at least as you showed to her that you are jealous, and thus love, appreciate and are afraid to lose her. Then she hesitated, in herself, in your feelings. Means that she is afraid for your relations.

Tell her more about it. Say that she is your all, that you are in heaven with her.

Let this be in cinematic pretense, so be it. Speak! If all of a sudden her will not be next day. But someday it will not. After all, all of us are not ever.
Life,  is very brief, so unpredictable, can end in an instant. So, if it will not be tomorrow, you will never get the chance to tell her everything. Tell me, dear, tell. Promise does not feel sorry for the promises and do not be afraid to cheat.
She is so happy when hears promises, while dreaming, hoping for something very good. She's so beautiful in that moment, so she's ...
Does not she deserve it? Yes, even if you will leave the day after tomorrow, is not it all worth the fifteen minutes when you were lying holding each other , and dreaming of your beautiful future! Worth it! Every second is worth it! Because there is so little such seconds in our lives .

How to "grow" out of husband a millionaire

1. Believe in husband

Sincerely and with all your heart. Forget for ever that "your husband stuffed pears". Of course, sometimes it is very difficult to transcend yourself - during the marriage accumulated grievances, and generally

But unconditional love  the husband and belief in him - the most important step towards turning him into a millionaire.

2. Praise husband

Yes, not only women love with their ears, but all males too. Admire the husband, be favorable to him. The secret of this method - in influencing the subconscious

The spouse will strive to overcome the greater height and prove himself to you and to be able to achieve any purpose. Thus, you, by the way, will develop his self-confidence.

3. Stimulate his growth

How is it done? In a female way very simply: "Darling, I want a new coat, and then the old view is quite lost. Yes, it is true. I understand that we can not afford it now. You are working and you try. You're such a good fellow "

In this form, please request looks very well, and in any case no pressure on the psyche. And the likelihood that your husband "suddenly" will earn money for the new coat is very

4. Do not cut him "for nothing"

Yes, the socket is still "on the nozzle" is kept, and the husband is an electrical lead is not even an eyebrow. The paradox of "shoemaker without shoes" is now observed in many families, and strongly influences the "atmospheric pressure". Remind him of it gently, but do not push. All the same, he will sooner or later . Husband just got used to that you will wave his hand and make everything yourselves invoke the wizard for example

So, if you learn to look at his the mess through your fingers, he realizes that it was his job. And without him it is not done - in any way. In order to turn into a millionaire husband must instill in him a sense of responsibility, and instilled it just on the basis of these "little things"

5. Develop his talents

You have so much time together, and you know your Blessed like the five fingers. What does he know best? Where does he feel like a fish in water? Push him, help to expand the knowledge and skills. Of course, for a little bit and unobtrusively.

суббота, 10 августа 2013 г.

Things are not what they seem

Two angels stopped for the night in the home of a wealthy family. The family was inhospitable and did not want to leave the Angels in the living room, after putting them to sleep in the cold basement. When they were going to sleep older angel saw a hole in the wall and closed it up. When the younger angel saw it, he asked, why?
Senior said, things are not what they seem.
The following night they went to sleep in the house of a very poor, but hospitable man and his wife. The couple shared with the angels little food that they had, and said to the Angels sleep in their beds. The morning after waking angels found the owner and his wife crying. Their cow, whose milk was the only household income, lay dead in the crib. The younger angel asked the elder:
- How could this happen? The first man had everything, and you helped him. Another family had little but was willing to share everything, and you allow their only cow died. Why?
- Things are not what they seem, - older angel replied. - When we were in the basement, I realized that in the wall was a treasure of gold. Its owner was rude and did not want to do good. I repaired the wall so  the treasure was not found. When the next night we slept in the bed,  to his wife came the angel of death. I gave him the cow.

Things are not what they seem. We will never know everything. And even if you have faith, you have  also instill confidence that everything that happens is in your favor. This will understand with time. Some people come into our lives and quickly go, some become our friends, and stay for a minute. Yesterday - is history. Tomorrow - a mystery. Today ...
The present - a gift. Life is magic, and the taste of each moment is unique!

Very often we grieve when something we do not get. Often we blame ourselves in it. Or the case. Or life in general. But I believe that everything that is done is done for the better.

Previously, I believe in another truth: if you want to live, be able to spin. And if something was going wrong, I blamed myself around. Scolded. Punished. Well, as best I could. Do you think that what I want? The result: low self-esteem, self-doubt, and accordingly, in my actions and decisions. Oh, how should I then struggled with this.

Now I am sure everything in life is a lot easier. Yes, for everything that happens to us, we take full responsibility. Just us. Sometimes life throws us and all the "pretzel". But only in order to make us stronger and better.

If we prevail against any disease, we frantically swallow pills without a moment's thought, why do I have, but my closest friend does not. Or  why 5.9 billion people on the planet does not have such the disease ?

Because we all think differently, building on our thoughts, we make any action, and the output is the consequences are not always pleasing to us. So we need to treat not the body but a Soul. Although, since you're already sick with something, then you need to drink a tablet, but do not rely on them. It is necessary to begin the treatment from your thoughts. The disease will go away and never come back. Some authors say that in such waythe cancer can be treated. But still, it is better to prevent disease than to treat it, because when it is already there, people often start to panic, but there is much more difficult to fight.

Or you broken up with your lover. Of course we are shocked. Yes, even in what. Such horror. What to do now? Those who are younger, see the solution to suicide, those who are older, in a glass. Wise can be at any age. If your lover through you, it is only in order to make way to your heart, a worthy partner. Nobody is perfect. The one who left was just not your man. Tell him thank you. Now you have opened the opportunity to meet with your half. Your half never go away. Those who have gone out of your life,  are not your second component, but brought you a lot of useful information. Remember how many beautiful moments you had. And how many lessons you can now bear from it!

What we think, we send into space, the universe (call it what you will), and from there we get the result. The universe does not know the emotions. She gets a vibration that radiates our brains and just doing what they want. Here I also want to insert a little anecdote:

A woman is standing and saying: man is asshole, the drunkard, does not bring the money; the young children are noisy, losers, none of them is sensible. The government only cares about himself,  you bastards. Boss, also a pig, nor "hello" nor "goodbye", but only screams and hisses .....
Behind her are two angels, one is writing something. The second asked him:
- Why does she need all this?

- I do not know. Orders are orders. Write it down!

I will offer you a couple of tricks to help get rid of the blues, spruce will try hard from depression too and away the negative thoughts.

1. There are rubber bands, thin, their money is tied up. They have different colors. Stock up with a dozen such. Put one on hand. Once notice that in my head bad thoughts, click on the eraser on hand. And just think of the good. When you feel that this gum satiated a lot of negativity from you, throw it away, put on another. And so, as long as your subconscious mind does not understand, think is bad - bad is punished.

2. In the morning, opening your eyes, look at  watch. Smile and count three minutes. Think of a good (if  the bad thoughts climb - cut them off with rubber band on your arm.) Smile for three minutes every morning. First, someone it will be difficult, but there is also a matter of time. Get in the habit, and then it will be ease to you .

This is enough, but remember the words of father Thomas. He said:

Just like snakes and scorpions placed for a long time in the vessel, in the end, die, and bad thoughts, disturbing the heart of a hermit, die and disappear if you do not allow them to pass.

Feminism - evolution or degradation?

Somehow, I came up with a theory that I decided to live the next 1000 years. It sounds like this: a man - was created by nature to meet women's needs and for procreation. It goes without saying that this "brilliant" idea visited my head after the man's offense? I think not. After a while, the offense gone, but I look at the men continued to hold enemy. And not a little effort it took me to get rid of the military spirit. I have been possessed by clean water of Feminism.
If you understand the nature of feminism, it turns out it has a lot of ways to sprouting in the female mind. It could  be raised by mother  (or the one who brought up the girl), it may appear on the grounds of resentment, and perhaps for self-improvement.

So what is feminism than, what it has bad and good ?

Now it is fashionable to be a feminist. If your girlfriend tells you that in her house husband is the boss, and she is on vocals, and you wonder, rebelled, and, of course, tell you that it should not be like this. Slogans: "We are women - stronger than man", etc., is so ingrained in our lives that seem to be so always, there will be. The fight is not long for equality between men and women, and for the superiority of women over men.  And if earlier there was  that the man on the prowl, and the woman in the cave, now a man at work, and the woman, also on the hunt, and at work, and in a cave-anywhere and everywhere.  Naturally, the woman gets tired a lot more. After work, she runs home, but not to rest, but to work! What nonsense, say, men! Is household chores, such hard work! The absurdity is that the woman continues to do these things every day.

Why,  nowadays we can not be relied completely on the man, and to do their - women's responsibilities? Is it because men are now less hardy, more steressed and soft? True-that men can not see! Where are they? Extinct with the dinosaurs? No. We, the women them destroyed. By our tremendous power that is within us. In the wrong direction, we sent our greatest potential. Instead, it would be ideal to carry out our mission - keeper of the hearth and distributor of love, we push, both morally and physically male population to prove ... To each his own, but what is the result ? When a man takes you by the hand, you do not think about the beautiful evening, but the marriage contract that will protect you and your children, if this man will leave you.

Pros of feminism sure everyone finds itself, but the cons are more clearly expressed. We have ceased to educate the courageous men. Why is this happening? Because our boy who grows up and takes the basics of life in the family sees where dad did not play the leading role, but only the executive. He goes to work, takes out the garbage, watches TV and reads the newspaper at the time, as a mom, like a squirrel in a wheel, doing all for the welfare of the family. A man can not be realized in the family.  No one will givesuch an opportunity to him ! What might be the realization? A hanger in the corridor is not screwed! That's right, poor boys, see, what men really. As you consider what your family will get a baby? That's right! The same! Dictatorial wife, who will nag him for everything and never give praise, because it would undermine its men's health. A men are not men for a long time, they perish under the pressure of women's oppression. If the man is not being implemented as a man, he dies.

First, from the inside and then outside. I sometimes met with these women who complained about their husbands: he does not do anything around the house! He is such a kind of reptile-only football or his computer is busy! What about me ? And the children: For us it does not have the time! And you imagine how many times you come to a place where you say you're a fool? Probably more than never, right? And your spouse have nowhere to go. He has responsibilities and you have children together. So he goes home with his head down and to somehow abstract leaves to the football, television and newspapers.

We women have already received our freedom, our superiority. Man long time are not the strong but the weak floor. And sexual minorities are the majority. Where to next? And then, in the opposite direction. If we want our children to be happy, family, strong and reliable, we have to explain everything.

Let's try to do it.

1. Imagine that your husband (boyfriend, lover, lover), is facing a difficult choice (for example, there is no money for a taxi and it is late), do not reach for the purse to give him 10 dollars, and  do not pay for the car. The man he is! Let him prove himself. He, and he alone is responsible for his decisions. Let come up with a solution myself. Otherwise, he will feel a jerk. 

2. Try to negotiate with him all the joint actions (leisure, work, vacation), and if your opinions are commonplaces, look for a compromise and do not hit him with your "right" reasons.

3. Do not rush to do anything. Understand that you are a woman. You were made for a perfect (probably because it has no one to create beautiful, as all women in the workplace, there are so many homosexuals, as a substitute). Your companion - getter, you - the keeper of the extracted. Remind him about it, and remember yourself.

4. Never among the people do not abuse him and do not tell him what to do. It demeans anyone, not just men.

5. Do not discuss your family  relationship with my mom . Mothers tend to then criticize their sons-in-law. Would you be pleased if his father discussed you?

Raise your chosen one as courageous man.  You want that his strong arms wrapped around your fragile shoulders. So you want to live with him and be like a stone wall. I want to walk down the street with his arm, and proud when other women stare at your masculinity and stately Apollo. But for the fact that everything was just so in our time we need to string up. Two centuries ago, you would not have thought about it, but now have. 
Give him the opportunity to make decisions for your family or for both of you. 
Give him the opportunity to realize himself as a man. 

He will love you more than anyone else, just for the fact that you do not destroy, but rather became his muse.

пятница, 9 августа 2013 г.

The theory of savings  or how to love yourself

Many women often indulge in many things. In the expensive cosmetics, in manicure, a spa salons, or even easierin the new winter shoes or extra pair of underwear. There is a contrast, another type of women who do not save on itself absolutely. And what they can spend on myself . Who's right, from these two types of ladies?
Once, in a conversation my friend said the following sentence: "When I smoke expensive cigarettes, I have things go well, the profits itself swims in hand. When the class of cigarettes goes down as slowly and sluggishly go my business."

I thought about it. About the point of psychology. If this friend of mine dose not smoked but ate chocolate, his words were the same, only the word "cigarette" would be replaced with the word "chocolate".

I do not know about you, but for some time I ever scrimped on myself. And that felt like something between the homeless and the poor. Then of course I did not know what makes me a vision of myself. And then, my mother once told me: "Never save on yourself, because then you will go all your life in tatters."

And I abruptly changed my attitude to the economy. I really went to the store and bought a perfume that cost forty times more than before I was able to spend over a month. Wow! I'll tell you how strongly I flew in my own eyes. I felt expensive. Even though I did not go on the red carpet at the Cannes festival, but felt like it was so.

After I thought about it. I already had that to compare, and I realized you can save money on yourself, but with the mind. If my salary is about 5000 UAH I certainly can not spend over 4000. And if you subtract the bills, pay for food, etc., what would be left? Only money on travel. And yet, every month, you need somewhere to buy something, but please yourself. Every economist himself, and everyone is aware of how much money he has, and how much he can spend. But the calculations for embezzlement, must necessarily be a column "for personal use".

How does it work?

When we allow ourselves to get what we need to improve self-esteem, we begin to grow in our own eyes. We begin to feel more important, loved, popular. A, respectively, and for others we become such. This affects our communication with people. If you've been notorious, thanks to its purchase (things or servants, does not matter) your systems are aligned and gradually become invisible. Therefore, communicating, you begin to open up more, smile more, and that attracts people to you. As rapidly growing fast and your career. Although, by whom and where you work, your business will succeed.

One model, once said: "The big money is easy to earn, and small - hard." She said this with confidence, because once she was poor, and worked as a waitress for a pittance. And over time, become famous and rich.

There is a theory that says that in order to achieve something, you must now experience a sense of joy from what has been achieved desired. Simply put, start today to rejoice over the fact that you have a million that you are the most charming that your children are the most talented, etc. It's not all seem a simple task, because not all girls know how to be the most beautiful. Not all men will be able to experience sensations owner of an expensive car. And out of this situation is the easy way out. We all probably ever got in a beautiful salon car, or someone told us, how do we enchanting. It is necessary to remember these feelings and experiences. Remember and be able to bring them into the present. Learn to enjoy what is not, but really want to. This creates a power of attraction and thereby becomes valid desired.

I'm not saying thatyou should live only in dreams Of course, the need to continue work towards achieving your dreams. But not always the answer comes to us it.

It is important to remember that there are such things as our psychological jams. Day after day, someone sits down and rides the subway to work. And every day, he sees the sick and the poor, who are held there. A luxury and a decent life, he sees only in passing expensive and upmarket shops, hotels and clubs. This is the effect of habituation. He was used to his social place, and even if he does not like, he does not move.

In order to change this, change and familiar way. Not always, but sometimes go to work by taxi. Of course, it is much more expensive, but it "catches up to you are important." Not always, but sometimes, it is necessary to do an expensive gift. It also helps you to feel like a king or queen. Let all your things will be a second-hand, but one is Versace.

It is important that climbing to the ladder of success should be gradual. Let us again take the example of machines. If you have a lifetime rode the subway and suddenly boarded a limousine, you will overcome the confusion rather than joy for their achievements. Because it is important to go through all the stages of recovery: Metro - bus-taxi - his first car - a road car.

So, we can summarize that saving on itself but with the mind. Of course, on the way to the top you are waiting many pitfalls, which will be known only to you. And I did not say anything about them just because everyone has their peaks. And their obstacles on the way. But do not be afraid of it. It's like riding a bike. How many times to fall, then to boldly go? And in life we fall down, but get up and move on, gaining experience and becoming only more intelligent. But let bygones be bygones......

The scandal or disease. Give vent to emotions.

Here again you are not happy with his behavior or act. And you know perfectly well that rolled up a tantrum or just starting to clarify the relationship will lead to weekly odds or even complete silence. But resentment or grudge is not going away. They remain in you, and will be looking for a way out. And if, emotional release is not there, you will start get sick. And as hard as you accumulate a lot of negative emotions in yourself.

So what to do? Should you at every opportunity, express to him your "unsatisfaction", moreover, accompanied by screams, tears and snot? What sane man will delayed near a woman who with or without suit scandal. Although certainly there are also fans of extreme sports, and they may just looking for these ladies. But if your partner is is not like it how to behave?

I propose to weigh everything. First, let's understand what will happen to us if all the time to hide their feelings. Any not expressed emotion, without exception, must find a new habitat. And she finds it in your body. Every emotion is always settles in a certain place. Therefore, therapists can knowing your chronic illness, can  paint to you the desises of yourwhole life over the past 10 years. And you can, and most importantly, learn how to work with it. Work - not in terms of going to work, but a plan of ridding yourself of excess cargo.

Let us consider, where do enter our unexpressed emotions. So:

1. Eyes. Here live the emotion of fear.

2. Mouth. People suffering from ailments in this area, often holding back their feelings.

3. Chest. Sometimes it hurts or you can feel heaviness - this suppression of laughter or sadness.

4. Diaphragm - enduring intense of anger or rage.

5. Abdomen - here run away fears of a possible aggression. Did it happens that when you feel an attack from someone's side you have a felling of twisting in your stomach?

6. The pelvis - the suppression of anxiety or anger.

Here they are, these mysterious places, though, and are described briefly. After all, we know how many there diseases. And they are all, without exception, related to our emotions.

And so. Emotion has found a place "where to" and from there begins to drill a hole. The more emotion in this place we send, the more they drill a hole. And what we then? We then go to the doctor and ask for a tablet. And she burst into this hole and will have through the rectum. In general, there is no escape! Upset? Do not be sad. The output, of course, there is.

Let us return to the case of a loved one. To swear or not? Maintain a healthy relationship with a sick bodyor you can vice versa?

Did you know that what you do not like your partner, it is the reflection of what you do not like in yourself. Or, that's what you are missing. Well, for example, take the most common marital unhappiness - festivities. Spouse may be washed down to death out of jealousy of the faithful husband. Why? Because she is, in secret, even to herself, assumes that can go for treason. And the fact of betrayal of her husband is known, and his wife is fighting (!) with this for many years, but did not go away from such unfaithful, then maybe that's the kind of man she needs.  And she eats it, just because of the fact that she for whatever reason, does not betrail him.

All at once will not describe. It's a fine science, and you need to work with certain people. Then you better know what do you want again to trample your lover in the ground. So, the next time, in such a situation, analyze - it brings pleasure to you? I say that because of what you want to create a scandal. The husband did not call or came too late? You meet him with a frying pan. He did not buy milk. Are you looking inundated with a rolling pin. And in the end, it fell reptile home drunk ... No such weapons in your home!
And how do you situation, if it did not? He came at six, as promised on the phone 15 minutes ago. Brought straight from the tin milk and immediately ran out the trash. And when a neighbor offered to drink beer, he kicked him in the ass kicked out of your home. And your partner will do as you wish. And you will not have the slightest reason to  drive yourself some bad emotion.

So what? What could be better? Scandals and happiness, or calm and ... death in one day.

And the best part is that you will choose for themselves. Of course, the quarrel should take place. Even quarreling with broken crockery and torn curtains. Only the children had not seen or heard of. This will help you to get rid of not only the mutual resentments and misunderstandings, but also throw off the burden of working everyday. But it should not be offensive to him or you. Had a fight - and then kisse. Interestingly, when a pair of scandals,has discredits, not blowing lips, the relationship growing. And if they said to each other two offensive words and went to sleep in different rooms, it lasts a few weeks, these relations smell like exclusion.

Swear sometimes. Once every two weeks. And all the other days of learning to understand yourself and your partner. Sometimes it is only just to say, you know, I'm sorry, when you go out with friends without me. Perhaps he thinks that you are bored in their company, so you do not pull back. And it never occurred to him, then why you are yelling at him?

A struggle against the accumulated emotions can be carried out independently. Do yoga or exercise, it helps, but not always relieve. You can go into the woods, and scream that negativity to nowhere. You can laminate the attraction, after which you will not remember your name for a long time, too, will remove stagnation. And even an ordinary change of scenery - is treated.

And that emotions do not accumulate, you need to solve the situation immediately. He came too late, but you boil. Tell him you're angry and walk away. And then themselves sit down and analyze - why you are angry. Because you can not do so yourself or because it does not take into account your interests? And find the answers to your questions , and tell him the result. Male appreciate your understanding. More often smile to him.

To live in harmony with each other is a big science. But only mastered its intricacies, we can learn to live in harmony with other people around us.