суббота, 20 июля 2013 г.

The ancient Indian beauty recipes

Ancient India - perhaps the only country where one of the religious principles for a married woman was to like her husband. And to achieve this ideal women should fight aging and were forced to invent more and more new recipes, giving youth and beauty.

Thus, the face skin was wiped with basil infusion of herbs to prevent the formation of wrinkles. The body, according to the canons of beauty, had to be velvety, well-groomed, causing desire. Special attention by ancient medical was paid to the substances wich moisturize and nourish the skin.

Recipes with the use of different oils emerged about 5,000 years ago. First, using coconut oil, famous emollient and also bactericidal. Nowadays, it is known that lauric acid contained in the oil, kills bacteria and fungus formation. But experts on Ayurveda knew about it in ancient times. The the described properties of coconut oil were importaned in a hot climate of India, where there was a very favorable environment for the growth of microorganisms

Keen to please her husband or patron, Indian coconut oil is used both to improve the condition of the skin and hair. It has become traditional to take a bath with milk, coconut oil and rose petals. Such bath makes the skin soft as a baby, and even returned a youthful appearance to very respectable ladies. Bath with lavender, rosemary, nutmeg, cardamom, in turn, helped to mitigate the skin, give it a nice flavor and freshness. Yet the foundation of Indian cosmetics was just coconut oil, in particular, with the necessary supplements that the doctor assigned according to age and state of health of the woman. It melted at room temperature and soaked to the skin, almost without leaving a trace. And applied it as a mask on your hair to prevent the appearance of gray hair.

Along with the application of oils ancient Indian healers and beauticians use massage techniques. Thus, they recommended to do to little girls hairy scalp massage, and perhaps due to this tradition Indian have thick and long hair.

And today, oil massage helps to relieve tension and improve circulation. In ancient times, this type of massage was elevated to an art form. It was believed that it releases energy in the body, improves health, relieves headaches. According to Ayurveda, in temechko is the highest chakra energy, with skillful massage which man casts off the heavy load of problems accumulated over the day, relax, feel reborn.

There were complex in their formulation oils with toning and firming effect. These include mixtures containing Indian hemp root ashvgandy, wax-like substance secreted by insects called Kerry varnish. Sometimes massage oil consisted of 18 or even 25 out of ingredients. Oil mixtures can be used in chronic diseases, tuberculosis, rheumatism, edema. And they helped with a number of gynecological problems. In the latter case, held a stomach massage, which relieves pain and normalize the functioning of the whole organism.

During the hot oil massage was applied to the problem areas and gently massage them. Then left on the body for 40 minutes, then rinsed with warm water. When flushing the ancient massage therapists have used herbal mixture.

Special attention is paid Indians to dentistry. This field of medicine (and to some extent also cosmetology) attributed a divine origin. According to legend, the knowledge of dentistry god Indra gave to the ancient healers called Sushruta and Charaka. We have heard some of their recommendations.

For example, in the collection of sayings Sushruta Samhita describes how to search for growths in the sky, the sky tumors, tumors of the wisdom teeth. Swelling of the gums and tongue ancient book recommends not to cut but to cauterize. Cauterization often applied as medicines and have been used as special tools and hot liquids, such as oil or wax. Widely used by indians were leeches, believing that "bad blood causes diseases of the mouth." 

How to keep youth and beauty? - This question troubled women of all ages and nations. Historical records tell us about the cosmetics of ancient and lost civilizations. So why do not we use tested recipes for thousands of years, tested with one million women and men in the XXI century, when environmentally friendly becomes a symbol of health?

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