A woman ... How many works of art dedicated to her as a warrior and heroic deeds being accomplished for her. How many sleepless nights, and poems have been written and sung for us, women.
As soon as you start to think about the intricacies of the universe women are plunged into a kind of a very different atmosphere. The atmosphere of softness, elegance, grace, subtlety and wisdom, deep and old as Earth itself.
The first woman is considered to be Eve, wife of Adam. But few people know that there was a woman who had seen heaven before Eve - Lilith. The one that was rebellious and untamed, the one that was the exact opposite of the homelike and the meek Eve. Already since the birth of the universe, women are different and each of them had its own particular qualities that give them something quite unusual and rather mysterious. Lilith inherent inflexibility and freedom in all its manifestations, and Eve was designed to create and preserve warmth of the hearth. And each of them has its own way to be beautiful and attractive to the men.
So why all the women are so different? The answer is simple. In fact, there are several archetypes of women, who are present in each of us and manifest themselves in different degrees. By reading this article, you will be able to understand how you prevail in this or that woman and what qualities it gives you.
Woman - The Queen, Empress, Cleopatra, Warrior
Element - air.
The time of year - winter.
Colors: white, black, navy blue, gray.
Stone - sapphire.
Habitats - hills, the tops of the mountains.
Autonomy and independencesuch brave woman and a cold-blooded, confident and free. Queen controls. In her presence, timid men, lost and looking admiringly, catching every word of a woman. If such a woman smiles, it is, above all, confuse present and make a man feel like a timid boy. The Queen commands. She is beautiful and majestic. Next to such a woman man is changing - he becomes King.
Woman - Mistress, Mother, Keeper
Element - Earth.
The time of year - summer.
Colors: green, purple, brown.
Stone - emerald.
Habitats - suburban area, forest clearing.
A woman who knows how to manage and hold in their hands the house, and to inspire a man to keep order and harmony in family life and relationships. A woman who likes to interact with the children and, most importantly, the kids meet her in return. In such womans' home always smells of delicious food, grow lush flowers, and on the couch basking fat cat. This woman is sure of herself, quietly watching the world go by and enjoys the good results of her contributions to the family, relationships, growth and development.
Woman - Princess, Girl, Baby
Element - water.
The time of year - spring.
Color - blue, yellow, pink.
Stone - diamond.
Habitat - the sea, the ocean, any body of water.
We all come from childhood. We were girls and this state remains within us. In someone it less in someone more. The girl needs to exhibit to her care and attention. She is joyful, light, open and trusting. Quickly gives and is easy to lift. Men with joy endows her with gifts and attention. Take care of her, often play the role of father for a girl. It's not a bad thing. These alliances are usually made between a woman and a man who is older than her age or higher social status.
The woman - the priestess has the highest sexual energy. She attracts and fascinates with its passionate nature and wild temper. The nature rebellious, freedom-loving and sensual. The clothes are common predatory animal motifs. Such women can use men for many purposes. It is very common that the female lover do not hurry to get married and sometimes have a relationship with multiple partners simultaneously. Excellent command of sexual practices. Liberated in bed and know what men love .
How to wake up your inner woman?
All four types are present in each of us and, as I said earlier, are shown in different aspects of life and with different people. I want to share with you, dear women, meditative technique that will help you determine what kind of woman you are.
So, sit back, close your eyes and breathe. Deeply and quietly. With each exhalation try to maximize relaxation. Make sure that no foreign sounds can not be interfered with by itself and enjoy the peace and quiet. Feel like other thoughts leave you and have nothing distracting. Imagine for yourself a place where you would be good at the moment. This may be a place where you as a child spent a lot of time or the seashore.
And maybe it will be a blooming meadow, which illuminates the bright sun.
Stay in this place, enjoy its beauty and the pleasant sensation that it causes you.
Then take a look around. Somewhere nearby a woman should appear to be dressed in beautiful clothes. Neat and noble. Look closely at it, what color her dress, hair, and follow her gestures, watch out for her. It is possible that she will talk to you. Thank her for what she is with you and for the qualities that she gives you. If you lack another state, call the woman whose qualities you need, and reunited with her. Dance, rejoice, talk with your inner woman. When you feel that you are filled with the necessary energy - slowly and quietly back into reality. Stretch yourself, hug yourself and remember you're a woman - and you already is the Goddess.
As soon as you start to think about the intricacies of the universe women are plunged into a kind of a very different atmosphere. The atmosphere of softness, elegance, grace, subtlety and wisdom, deep and old as Earth itself.
The first woman is considered to be Eve, wife of Adam. But few people know that there was a woman who had seen heaven before Eve - Lilith. The one that was rebellious and untamed, the one that was the exact opposite of the homelike and the meek Eve. Already since the birth of the universe, women are different and each of them had its own particular qualities that give them something quite unusual and rather mysterious. Lilith inherent inflexibility and freedom in all its manifestations, and Eve was designed to create and preserve warmth of the hearth. And each of them has its own way to be beautiful and attractive to the men.
So why all the women are so different? The answer is simple. In fact, there are several archetypes of women, who are present in each of us and manifest themselves in different degrees. By reading this article, you will be able to understand how you prevail in this or that woman and what qualities it gives you.
Element - air.
The time of year - winter.
Colors: white, black, navy blue, gray.
Stone - sapphire.
Habitats - hills, the tops of the mountains.
Autonomy and independencesuch brave woman and a cold-blooded, confident and free. Queen controls. In her presence, timid men, lost and looking admiringly, catching every word of a woman. If such a woman smiles, it is, above all, confuse present and make a man feel like a timid boy. The Queen commands. She is beautiful and majestic. Next to such a woman man is changing - he becomes King.
Woman - Mistress, Mother, Keeper
Element - Earth.
The time of year - summer.
Colors: green, purple, brown.
Stone - emerald.
Habitats - suburban area, forest clearing.
A woman who knows how to manage and hold in their hands the house, and to inspire a man to keep order and harmony in family life and relationships. A woman who likes to interact with the children and, most importantly, the kids meet her in return. In such womans' home always smells of delicious food, grow lush flowers, and on the couch basking fat cat. This woman is sure of herself, quietly watching the world go by and enjoys the good results of her contributions to the family, relationships, growth and development.
Woman - Princess, Girl, Baby
Element - water.
The time of year - spring.
Color - blue, yellow, pink.
Stone - diamond.
Habitat - the sea, the ocean, any body of water.
We all come from childhood. We were girls and this state remains within us. In someone it less in someone more. The girl needs to exhibit to her care and attention. She is joyful, light, open and trusting. Quickly gives and is easy to lift. Men with joy endows her with gifts and attention. Take care of her, often play the role of father for a girl. It's not a bad thing. These alliances are usually made between a woman and a man who is older than her age or higher social status.
Woman - Lover, Priest, The Witch
Element - fire.
Time of year - autumn.
Color - red, burgundy and gold.
Stone - a ruby.
Habitats - volcanoes, geysers, caves, place the open fire.
How to wake up your inner woman?
All four types are present in each of us and, as I said earlier, are shown in different aspects of life and with different people. I want to share with you, dear women, meditative technique that will help you determine what kind of woman you are.
So, sit back, close your eyes and breathe. Deeply and quietly. With each exhalation try to maximize relaxation. Make sure that no foreign sounds can not be interfered with by itself and enjoy the peace and quiet. Feel like other thoughts leave you and have nothing distracting. Imagine for yourself a place where you would be good at the moment. This may be a place where you as a child spent a lot of time or the seashore.
And maybe it will be a blooming meadow, which illuminates the bright sun.
Stay in this place, enjoy its beauty and the pleasant sensation that it causes you.
Then take a look around. Somewhere nearby a woman should appear to be dressed in beautiful clothes. Neat and noble. Look closely at it, what color her dress, hair, and follow her gestures, watch out for her. It is possible that she will talk to you. Thank her for what she is with you and for the qualities that she gives you. If you lack another state, call the woman whose qualities you need, and reunited with her. Dance, rejoice, talk with your inner woman. When you feel that you are filled with the necessary energy - slowly and quietly back into reality. Stretch yourself, hug yourself and remember you're a woman - and you already is the Goddess.
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