понедельник, 1 июля 2013 г.

Tips for getting balance in your life

  • - Pamper yourself and get a massage or tale a bath
  • - Spend time with your pets
  • - Spend time in nature: at parks, beaches or just in the garden. Take your shoes off and connect with mother nature.
  • - Make sure you get eniugh sleep at night. Otherwise take a short power nap during the day.
  • - Meditate or sit quietly, just focusining on your breath for 20 minutes.
  • - Do some exercise! Exercise is a great way to release endorphins, fell-good chemicals in the body that reduces stress.
  • - Be productive. Make a list of things you have to do for the day and organise the list by importance. In this way you can take care of things before they become a problem.
P.S. I tried this on my own practice and I began to have more free time and the time that I spent for the everyday things reduced sharply.


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