воскресенье, 21 июля 2013 г.

How to become a beloved woman

Falling in love with yourself, and then you fall in love with the whole world! This is the motto of the units in our world, but actually it works. Psychologists say that the better woman refers to herself, the more attention she attracts from the opposite sex. So, to be truly loved, you need to learn how to pamper yourself.

Self-love and narcissism - different concepts. Love - is, first of all, the adoption of yourself for what is, but not simply admiring your own reflection. Have a respect for your body, thoughts and actions. Only when you realize that everything in life - ideally, the world begins to change in the best possible way.

My body is perfect

Shape of the eyes, hips, height, figure, color of hair each has its own. Even the appearance of twins have differences. And it is time to learn to be proud of, rather than trying to become an ideal, imposed by society.

Modern standards of beauty are very specific. Glossy magazines, television and fashion designers claim that there is a certain standard of beauty, which is called the "ideal". And everyone on the planet has to strive for it. But to achieve this goal - it means getting the same "as all". How much this is true? Somehow, millions of women feel that you need to do so.

Perfect appearance each has its own. But there are several compelling elements: well-groomed skin, beautiful hands, tightened muscles and a dazzling smile. To be beautiful, you need to take care of yourself, take care of every part of the body.

A woman can be charming and without the skinny figure, can conquer the hearts even without hair on hук head. The fact that it refers to herself. Love of self begins with a touching concern for the body. You need to take the figure as a given. And no need to customize it for standards, just start to care for herself. A manicure, do not forget about the masks. You should start with a regular facial and neck, but it's best to remember all the body. Dedicate yourself more time, pamper your skin with nice creams, body wraps and massages. Love yourself and appreciate. And the more time you devote to this task, the more you will get admiring glances from others.

I Think and do everything right

You should love not only your body but also your actions and thoughts. In psychology, there is a unique statement, which has helped thousands of people get out of depression: "At the moment I made the best way for yourself. I chose the best solution to a situation that could have been. "Let it become your statement axiom. Perhaps then you will come to mind the idea that it was possible to do something different. But nothing can be changed, and therefore, it is necessary to go further.

Allow yourself to live, do not waste time on regrets and digging into the past. Not worth going to sleep, think about how you could do that. It's a waste of time. Enough sorry! In the future you will do even better, but in the past, you were right. It's your life, you can go for it as you wish.

Give yourself the right to be wrong. Even if something does not add up, do not worry. There are no people who always do everything perfectly. Just let yourself do not control everything, let go of the problems that you still can not decide.

To learn how to relax, use the meditation. They may be very different, it is important that this process is called a sense of comfort and relaxation. Someone is trying to stop the thoughts, someone sings a mantra, and some people choose meditation with the words to the imagination to present the manner described. Choose your method. Some people prefer active relaxation. Sometimes, running, swimming, exercise at the gym,  give a discharge. Look for something that will give pleasure, you are eligible for the ease, joy and serenity.

Relax - this is important

Relax - it's a human right. And it's a way to show love for yourself. Just need to rest properly, without remorse. Day off will never bring lightness, if you are constantly thinking about what did not have time to do. If there are ideas in the mind of the commitments will not find comfort.

In order to properly relax, you need to solve the problem. First way: go on vacation or on a weekend, when all is done, when it is not another report, no need to remember about the partners and the authorities. If all can not be forgotten, you need something to finish, do not think about it constantly. Determine for yourself hours or days when you do not accept to work. This is a solution: it's time to rest - will be the right one. Deny yourself during this period even reminisce about their problems. For their solution find a different time, and rest - is inviolable.

Relax - it's time for yourself, not for cleaning or washing. Of course, home care can help to relax, but it is better to rest for real. Do only what you like. Someone will be active, while others simply will sit at the TV for hours. But it is important not to abuse yourselves, and admit that I like now to do just that. Give yourself permission to do nothing. Let this be a regular ritual - spending some time as you want, not the way you need or others want.

Loving yourself can be different. There are lots of ways to begin to realize their dreams, desires to indulge. Start not from the very large, such as buying a bouquet of flowers. A further is is easier to reach other ambitions plans. Appetite comes with eating!

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