She does not depend on age, passport or certificate. It is possible in 15 years to win the European Championshipor you can in 25 - to sit on the neck of the parents. So instead of waiting for some kind of offensive magic hour, after which you will become independent woman - studing these text, force yourself to change, and make a choice in favor of your road.
Learn to agree
I presume you occupy a big stubbornness. If you have decided that right after the New Year you with Adam get married and go away to the Arctic - to lift the fallen penguins (they themselves can not stand up, if topple), so - so be it. And let the world does not waste time on empty persuasion, but rather help you to pack in a suitcase ipod and woolen socks.
Who are we fighting for?
With the senseless obstinacy. If you take the trouble to at least five minutes to listen close, you may realize that in some ways is to agree with them. For example, in what is now the most important thing for you - study. And the Penguins and Adam can easily wait. Maybe in a couple of years, you do not want to lift the Penguins but breeding Labradors,and with Will in New Zealand.
With adults: You have convinced me. It seems so really would be better.
With her: You know, you seem to be right. I'll have to try it.
Learn how to argue
To compromise - not means being a weak-willed. Teacher loudly asserts that the chipmunk - is bird, and you're willing to nod his head, hoping for relief in the exam? Ugh, how embarrassing. But even worse, if you are in a hurry to agree with everyone just to please and get liked .
With whom are we fighting for?
With the lack of character and a tendency to grovel. Divide your inner beliefs into areas and once for all decide - what are you willing to sacrifice for the sake of others, and what - no. For example, no one will ever convince you to try drugs or steal something. This is an area of strong and unquestioning "no." In all other cases, the need to make a decision is based on the situation.
A person who knows how to be calm, firm and arguments to say "no" - it's a strong person. Such a man nowhere will be scared, want to be friends with and are afraid of enmity. Spineless sycophants slide in a dark corner. But bear in mind - the art of saying "no" to train better not on your grandmother who asks you to take out the trash, but on the friend, offering to smoke, "one such magical marijuana from Jamaica."
With adults: Sorry, but this is against my principles!
With your: Smart people do not do that.
Learn to recognize the errors
Not mistaken only one who does not do anything. All fail from time to time tasks, break the rules, disrupt the timing and do not hear the alarm.There is nothing wrong with errors. Bad if you're acting like a dopey kid who tries to blame the broken cup, and eaten jam on the innocent cat.
With whom are we fighting for?
With cowardice.
If you itself without waiting for debriefing, say that was mistaken, no one will trample you underfoot. You probably even scold no one will. Because people who recognize their mistakes are the only strong and upright men. And there are always respected by all. The main thing - do not forget to fix your own fault. Who broken a vase, is the one who sweeps up the pieces.
With adults: Sorry, but it seems that all I brought. What can I do to make as soon as possible to rectify the situation?
With your: I'm sorry, I did not mean it, I promise. Let's try to fix it?
Pimp optimism
No one likes moaners and pessimists, . You would take in exploration (to the team, to work) a person who drags everyone behind, afraid of challenges and moreover hoots like an old gloomy owl, that all is lost?
With whom are we fighting for?
With blues and laziness. Just do not stick humus - from optimism to enthusiastic idiocy If you and your friends get lost in the woods, do not rapidly be glad that you can make some glamorous skirts of mugs and get acquainted with a snow man. Tell better to everyone not to panic, change the shoes (dry and wet socks needles spoil strayed karma) and look at the north side of trees. The idea is that it should be covered with moss. In the meantime, people having fun, call the Ministry of Emergency Situations and calls the professional reinforcement.
Optimistic, confident person automatically becomes a leader in any company.
With adults: I love challenges. They encourage me.
With your: Come on, everything will be fine! I know how to handle the situation!
What will help you quickly become an independent?
1. Foreign languages.
Bison them, and even better - love. A man who simply says at least one foreign language - is the embodiment of freedom and independence. You will not get lost in any country of the world, read more books (translated by no means the best), you will have advantages in hiring and in the choice of the gentleman.
2. Travel.
Buy a ticket at a travel agency can anyone. Learn how to plan your trip by yourself - choose the route yourelf, order tickets and book hotels, chooses travel, country and city. You do not notice how you will visit entire planet, make a bunch of friends and a million precious memories.
3. Internet.
There are not only the horoscope, diet and abstracts. Internet - it's your personal freedom - the freedom to buy, to vote, to travel, to believe. Make your site, start your own blog - and not full of stupid hearts and syusyami about Tokio Hotel, but a real, serious. Try to convince the thousands of people that you are serious, adult, and you have something to say to the world. It may well be that the world will indeed be interesting to listen to you.
4. Work
No matter - the pizza, the waitress, the courier, Jr. Assistant Secretary. At your age, any job - is important and honorable, because - first in life. Believe me, the need to perform adult responsibilities and adapt to the team quickly will be deprive you of infantile quirks.
I myself!
1. Responsibilities.
Own responsibilities that everyone has an independent and an adult. For example, shift on your fragile shoulders all invoices that come to your home. If you do not trust the money and important forms? By the way, this is a very sad occasion for thinking.
2. Money.
Establish usually defer 10% of any amount in the precious envelope. No matter - this is permanent or casual earnings 500 dollars donated by your aunt about passing the exam or little thing you are given out to pocket expenses. The main thing - 10% should go to the stash. If you do not have the courage to gut the envelope for a year, you'll get a major award - out of nowhere a substantial sum that can be spent on all sorts of joyous frenzy. And, of course, the title of the Most Intelligent and Independent in the World Girl.
3. Pet.
Again, it does not matter - to whom exactly do you bring down a wave of tenderness,
responsibility and care. Hamster, puppy, baby brother, cactus named Athanasius - all of them wither without your help and warmth. Nothing makes a man independent as quickly as the need every day - regardless of the mood and the weather - take out, bring water or filtered water thoroughly someone young and defenseless.
Learn to agree
I presume you occupy a big stubbornness. If you have decided that right after the New Year you with Adam get married and go away to the Arctic - to lift the fallen penguins (they themselves can not stand up, if topple), so - so be it. And let the world does not waste time on empty persuasion, but rather help you to pack in a suitcase ipod and woolen socks.
Who are we fighting for?
With the senseless obstinacy. If you take the trouble to at least five minutes to listen close, you may realize that in some ways is to agree with them. For example, in what is now the most important thing for you - study. And the Penguins and Adam can easily wait. Maybe in a couple of years, you do not want to lift the Penguins but breeding Labradors,and with Will in New Zealand.
With adults: You have convinced me. It seems so really would be better.
With her: You know, you seem to be right. I'll have to try it.
Learn how to argue
To compromise - not means being a weak-willed. Teacher loudly asserts that the chipmunk - is bird, and you're willing to nod his head, hoping for relief in the exam? Ugh, how embarrassing. But even worse, if you are in a hurry to agree with everyone just to please and get liked .
With whom are we fighting for?
With the lack of character and a tendency to grovel. Divide your inner beliefs into areas and once for all decide - what are you willing to sacrifice for the sake of others, and what - no. For example, no one will ever convince you to try drugs or steal something. This is an area of strong and unquestioning "no." In all other cases, the need to make a decision is based on the situation.
A person who knows how to be calm, firm and arguments to say "no" - it's a strong person. Such a man nowhere will be scared, want to be friends with and are afraid of enmity. Spineless sycophants slide in a dark corner. But bear in mind - the art of saying "no" to train better not on your grandmother who asks you to take out the trash, but on the friend, offering to smoke, "one such magical marijuana from Jamaica."
With adults: Sorry, but this is against my principles!
With your: Smart people do not do that.
Learn to recognize the errors
With whom are we fighting for?
With cowardice.
If you itself without waiting for debriefing, say that was mistaken, no one will trample you underfoot. You probably even scold no one will. Because people who recognize their mistakes are the only strong and upright men. And there are always respected by all. The main thing - do not forget to fix your own fault. Who broken a vase, is the one who sweeps up the pieces.
With adults: Sorry, but it seems that all I brought. What can I do to make as soon as possible to rectify the situation?
With your: I'm sorry, I did not mean it, I promise. Let's try to fix it?
Pimp optimism
No one likes moaners and pessimists, . You would take in exploration (to the team, to work) a person who drags everyone behind, afraid of challenges and moreover hoots like an old gloomy owl, that all is lost?
With whom are we fighting for?
With blues and laziness. Just do not stick humus - from optimism to enthusiastic idiocy If you and your friends get lost in the woods, do not rapidly be glad that you can make some glamorous skirts of mugs and get acquainted with a snow man. Tell better to everyone not to panic, change the shoes (dry and wet socks needles spoil strayed karma) and look at the north side of trees. The idea is that it should be covered with moss. In the meantime, people having fun, call the Ministry of Emergency Situations and calls the professional reinforcement.
Optimistic, confident person automatically becomes a leader in any company.
With adults: I love challenges. They encourage me.
With your: Come on, everything will be fine! I know how to handle the situation!
What will help you quickly become an independent?
1. Foreign languages.
Bison them, and even better - love. A man who simply says at least one foreign language - is the embodiment of freedom and independence. You will not get lost in any country of the world, read more books (translated by no means the best), you will have advantages in hiring and in the choice of the gentleman.
2. Travel.
Buy a ticket at a travel agency can anyone. Learn how to plan your trip by yourself - choose the route yourelf, order tickets and book hotels, chooses travel, country and city. You do not notice how you will visit entire planet, make a bunch of friends and a million precious memories.
3. Internet.
There are not only the horoscope, diet and abstracts. Internet - it's your personal freedom - the freedom to buy, to vote, to travel, to believe. Make your site, start your own blog - and not full of stupid hearts and syusyami about Tokio Hotel, but a real, serious. Try to convince the thousands of people that you are serious, adult, and you have something to say to the world. It may well be that the world will indeed be interesting to listen to you.
4. Work
No matter - the pizza, the waitress, the courier, Jr. Assistant Secretary. At your age, any job - is important and honorable, because - first in life. Believe me, the need to perform adult responsibilities and adapt to the team quickly will be deprive you of infantile quirks.
I myself!
1. Responsibilities.
Own responsibilities that everyone has an independent and an adult. For example, shift on your fragile shoulders all invoices that come to your home. If you do not trust the money and important forms? By the way, this is a very sad occasion for thinking.
2. Money.
Establish usually defer 10% of any amount in the precious envelope. No matter - this is permanent or casual earnings 500 dollars donated by your aunt about passing the exam or little thing you are given out to pocket expenses. The main thing - 10% should go to the stash. If you do not have the courage to gut the envelope for a year, you'll get a major award - out of nowhere a substantial sum that can be spent on all sorts of joyous frenzy. And, of course, the title of the Most Intelligent and Independent in the World Girl.
3. Pet.
Again, it does not matter - to whom exactly do you bring down a wave of tenderness,
responsibility and care. Hamster, puppy, baby brother, cactus named Athanasius - all of them wither without your help and warmth. Nothing makes a man independent as quickly as the need every day - regardless of the mood and the weather - take out, bring water or filtered water thoroughly someone young and defenseless.
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